IVOA Technical Coordination Group
This Committee is formed by the Chairs of the Working and Interest Groups and includes the IVOA chairs and vice-chairs.
TCG Charter & History
The Charter is detailed
The Chair/V Chair History is detailed
IVOA Architecture
The current version of the IVOA Architecture Note (01 Nov 2021) can be found
- Note: Up-to-date architecture diagrams can be generated from with the ivoatex package. The complete inout filr with all RECs and some pre-RECs can be found in the IVOA Architecture document source: https://github.com/ivoa-std/architecture
On-going Recommendations
For WG chairs convenience,
Current Errata
Current Notes for Endorsement
Status column definitions,
- WG means dicussions are underway
- TCG means that TCG members should review and be prepared to vote at the next TCG meeting (telecon or face-to-face)
- PASS/Date is when TCG reviewed and approved the errata
- Note: Row will be removed in table by TCG VCh after Errata has made it to Doc&Stds pages - reviewed periodically during TCG mtg prep
IVOA Technical Assessment and Roadmap Documents
Standards Process Review
TCG Running List/Primer
IVOA Interop Planning Notes
Meetings / Teleconf / Discussions / Coordination
- 2025 - Telecon 2025-02-05
- 2024 - Telecon 2024-12-18 TCG F2F 2014-11-14 (Malta) Telecon 2024-10-17 Telecon 2024-09-27 Telecon 2024-08-28 ProgramPrepNov2024 (informal) Telecon 2024-07-31 Telecon 2024-06-26 F2F 2024-05-19, Telecon 2024-05-07, Telecon 2024-04-02, Telecon 2024-03-07, ProgramPrepMay2024, Telecon 2023-01-24
- 2023 - Telecon 2023-12-13, Meeting_2023-11-10, Telecon 2023-10-24, Telecon 2023-10-10, ProgramPrepNov2023, Telecon 2023-09-13, Telecon 2023-07-26, Telecon 2023-06-21, Meeting 2023-05-07, Telecon 2023-04-26, ProgramPrepMay2023, Telecon 2023-04-05, Telecon 2023-03-08, Telecon 2022-01-25, TCG_RunningList_2023
- 2022 - Telecon 2022-12-07, Telecon 2022-10-06, Telecon 2022-09-07, IvoaLandingSep22, ProgramPrepVirtualOct2022, Telecon 2022-08-11, Telecon 2022-07-06, Telecon 2022-05-24, Telecon 2022-04-20, Telecon 2022-04-05, Telecon 2022-03-08, Telecon 2022-02-15, ProgramPrepVirtualApr2022, Telecon 2022-01-26
- 2021 - Telecon 2021-12-01, Telecon 2021-10-27, Telecon 2021-10-13, ProgramPrepVirtualNov2021, Telecon 2021-09-15, Telecon 2021-08-25, Telecon 2021-06-kickoff, Telecon 2021-05-18, Telecon 2021-05-11, Telecon 2021-04-20, ProgramPrepVirtualMay2021, Telecon 2021-03-09
- 2020 - Telecon 2020-10-29, Telecon 2020-10-08, ProgramPrepVirtualNov, Telecon 2020-09-22, Telecon 2020-08-27, Telecon 2020-06-11, Telecon 2020-05-14, ProgramPrepVirtualMay, Telecon 2020-02-11
- 2019 - F2F 2019-10-09, ProgramPrepGroningen, Telecon 2019-08-22, Telecon 2019-07-16, F2F 2019-05-12, Telecon 2019-04-16, Telecon 2019-02-05, ProgramPrepParis
- 2018 - ProgramPrepCollegePark, F2F 2018-11-08, Telecon 2018-09-18, Telecon 2018-07-05, F2F 2018-05-27, Telecon 2018-02-22
- 2017 - Telecon 2017-05-05
- 2016 - Telecon 2016-02-08 F2F Meeting 2016-05-8
- 2015 - Telecon 2015-09-14 Telecon 05/Feb/2015, Telecon 12/May/2015, Meeting 14/Jun/2015
- 2014 - Telecon 22/Apr/2014, Meeting 18/May/2014, Telecon 30/Sep/2014
- 2013 - Telecon 26/Feb/2013, Meeting 12/May/2013, Telecon 10/Sep/2013, Telecon 17/Dec/2013
- 2012 - Telecon 28/Feb/2012, Telecon 12/Apr/2012, Meeting 20/May/2012, Telecon 06/Sep/2012, Meeting 21/Oct/2012, Telecon 12/Dec/2012
- 2011 - TCG Telecon 2/March/2011, TCG Telecon 4/May/2011, TCG Meeting 15/May/2011, TCG Telecon 25/Aug/2011, TCG Meeting 16/Oct/2011
- 2010 - TCG Meeting 14-15/May/2010, TCG Meeting 6/Dec/2010
- 2009 - TCG Telecon 12/May/2009, TCG Telecon 16/Sep/2009, IVOA WD Numbering Nomenclature discussion, Jan/2009
- 2008 - TCG Telecon 27/Feb/2008, TCG Telecon 4/Sep/2008
- 2007 - TCG Telecon 10/Sep/2007
Past Recommendations
- 2025 - VOTable-1.5
- 2024 - RegTAP-1.2
- 2023 - Vocabularies in the VO 2.1, MIVOT 1.0
- 2022 - GMS1.0, SimpleDALRegExt1.2, MOC2.0, Measurements 1.0, Coordinates 1.0, EPN-TAP 2.0, PhotDM 1.1
- 2021 - VODataService-1.2, ObsLocTAP1.0, Vocabularies-2.0
- 2020 - ProvenanceDM-1.0
- 2019 - MOC-1.1, RegTAP-1.1, TAP-1.1, Trash.IVOAUCDListMaintenance-2.0, VOTable-1.4
- 2018 - VO-DML-1.0, RegistryInterface-1.1, VOResource-1.1, VOSpace-2.1, UCD1+-1.3
- 2017 - VTP-2.0, DALI-1.1, HiPS-1.0, SODA-1.0, SimpleDALRegExt-1.1, SSO-2.0, VOSI-1.1, ObsCore-1.1, DocStd-2.0, SimDAL-1.0
- 2016 - UWS-1.1, IVOAIdentifiers-2.0
- 2015 - DataLink 1.0, SIA-2.0
- 2014 - VOUnits 1.0, PDL 1.0, MOC 1.0, RegTAP 1.0
- 2013 - VOSpace 2.0, VOTable 1.3, SimpleDALRegExt 1.0, PhotDMv1-1 1.0, DALI 1.0
- 2012 - SAMP 1.3, StandardsRegExt 1.0, SimDM 1.0, TAPRegExt 1.0
- 2011 - ObsCoreDM 1.0, VOSI 1.0, VOEvent 2.0, SSAP 1.1 and SpectrumDM 1.1
- 2010 - WS BP 1.0, SAMP 1.2, SSLDM 1.0, SLAP 1.0, UWS 1.0, VODataService 1.1, IVOA Std Doc 1.2, TAP v1.0
- 2009 - CDP, VOTable 1.2, SIAP, Vocabularies, VOSpace 1.15, Registry Interface, SAMP
- 2008 - ADQL 2.0
- 2007 - SCS, Spectrum DM, STC, CharDM, SSAP, SSO, VOSpace, VOResource