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IVOA TCG Meeting - Thu, 08 Nov 2018 @8:30am(Local Time) (13:30 UTC) - Diamondback room

last edit - Nov06 - JE

Draft Agenda: (Additions welcomed)

  • Recent highlights - from WG/IG leads
  • Document status (list below)
  • Actions (list below)
  • Adapting IVOA standards/software by outside group (interest in HIPS) - AS
  • AOB


Hosted by CXC Data Systems
Thursday 8:30 am | 2 hours 30 minutes | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 730 696 935
Password: CollegePark
Join by phone
1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 730 696 935


Document Submission Logs (since last Interop; will retake from just before mtg)

date document id version initiator i/w group action
20181029 NOTE-timesysnote-1.0-20181029 1.0 Markus Demleitner Note published
20181026 WD-vodataservice-1.2-20181026 1.2 Ray Plante ReR published
20181024 PR-TAP-1.1-20181024 1.1 Patrick Dowler DAL published
20181015 PR-ProvenanceDM-1.0-20181015 1.0 Mathieu Servillat dam published
20180910 rec-vodml-v1.0-20180910 1.0 gerard lemson dam published
20180830 PR-TAP-1.1-20180830 1.1 Patrick Dowler DAL published
20180823 PR-CDlistMaintenance-v2.0--20180823 2.0 Francoise Genova UCD published
20180731 pr-RegTAP-1.1-20180731 1.1 Markus Demleitner rer published
20180723 WD-ObjVisSAP-0.2-20180723 0.2 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20180723 WD-ObsLocTAP-0.2-20180723 0.2 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20180723 rec-registryinterface-1.1 1.1 theresa dower rer published

Actions: (Please update in status section)

  • ACTION-F0518-1: PD - Add SSIG to RFC template page
  • ACTION-F0518-2: PD - Resend the VOSpace recommendation to Exec
  • ACTION-F0518-3: FG - Ensure that the important IVOA standards are in the RDA registry of standards.
  • ACTION-F0518-4: MCD - Produce documentation on how the models relate and how to get started with certain use cases.
  • ACTION-F0518-5: PD - Set the status of the XML Schema Versioning to ENDORSED
  • ACTION-F0518-6: ThD - Registry WG to define way forward for querying data collections through capabilities. Endorsement of Discovering data collections is deferred for now.
  • ACTION-F0518-7: ML - Semantics working group to come up with a plan for managing a vocabularies web page.
  • ACTION-F0518-8: DM/PD - Prototype hosting a document standard and issue tracking in GitHub.
  • ACTION-F0518-9: Giulia - investigate why the errata link is missing on some landing pages (eg VOTable) - sent to GL 10/30 **DONE**
    • Note from Giulia: It is quite difficult check old errata because we do not have a list of accepted errata. If someone send me an accepted erratum I update the corresponding landing page.
  • ACTION-F0518-10: DM - Include ADQL errata into current ADQL PR.
  • ACTION-F0518-12: TM - Will go over the Publishing in the VO page.
  • ACTION-F0518-13: MD/FG - make an official proposal of the IVOA Architecture document
  • ACTION-T0718-2: AN - send pointer to requirements
  • ACTION-T0718-3: WG chairs – Send a list of outdated standards to remove to Doc Coordinator with a cc to PD/JE.


WG/Apps (TD/RD)

  • Open Issue(s)
    • Official VOTable schema needs an update w.r.t. recent erratum. This will be resolved at the interop.
  • VODML Mapping
    • Little discussion since prior meeting. Work may have been done in background.
  • No documents/changes in progress


  • ongoing efforts
    • TAP-1.1: PR out, authenticated endpoints agreement before going REC
    • ObsLocTAP & ObjVisSAP: progressing
    • SLAP-2.0: new draft (unpublished), see "issues"
    • ADQL-2.1: ongoing implementation effort
    • DataLink-1.1: close to start, see Note on DAL feedback
    • ProvTAP & ProvSAP: prototypes
  • waiting
    • DALI-1.2 (has some material)
    • SIAP-2.1
    • SODA-1.0 (feedback)
  • SSLDM-2.0: not in VO-DML, is it a problem for SLAP-2.0?
  • CCW-winding polygons: JD summarizing: how to go on after
  • Note: TimeSeries Discovery and Access DAL procedure [22.07.2018] - as per roadmap
  • Note: Recent DAL protocols feedback [22.07.2018] - as per roadmap
  • (iWD): SLAP-2.0
  • (iWD): SSLDM-2.0


  • VO-DML
    • REC document delivered to ivoa repository; new registry records submitted.
  • "STC" component models (coords, meas, trans)
    • wrote xslt translation script for vo-dml/xml to ivoatex
    • updated coords model with documentation, extracted from AR versions and STC-1.33 as possible.
    • process model into ivoatex; incorporate into ivoatex document template
    • currently tweaking output formats (table overflows, etc) to make sure all info is included.
    • coords WD nearly complete (end of Nov 2018), meas and transform by end of Dec. 2018.
  • Provenance
    • group hit road block in attempt to factor in a new use case... delayed progress of document to RFC
    • RFC period started (Oct 22 - Nov 19, 2018)
    • Heavy discussion ongoing from review
  • DatatsetMetadata - no action needed; lien on measurment model
  • NDCube - no action needed; lien on "STC" component models (meas, trans)
  • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • TimeSeries
    • Face-2-face meeting in Strasbourg, with focus on generating a single model based on cube which covers current use cases
    • working serializations of example data products.
  • SourceDM
    • Call to group for people involved in large surveys (GAIA, LSST..) to define which quantities are highest priority
  • VO-DML Mapping: stalement?
    • my impression is that the focus group feels they have done what they can with
      • mapping syntax spec; usability demos; helper tools, etc
    • but without concrete implementation feedback from external users, they do not have the information needed to work simplifications/changes
    • 'alternate' syntax-s are still being worked/proposed which gain attention because the 'appear' simpler, but are not vetted against the requirements.
    • TDIG has agreed to consider using serializations using the mapping syntax in their model assessment study, but cannot do so if it produces a road-block to getting the assessment done.
Action Updates:
  • ACTION-F0518-4: OPEN


  • Two VOSI errata:
    1. Only the VOSI Tables XSD version should have been updated to 1.1 (not Capabilities and Availability) -- no impact to implementations
    2. The table response examples are using the wrong datatypes--should be vs:TAPType
  • New Working Draft: Group Membership Service 1.0
  • XML Schema Versioning Note: work out issues with versioning attribute context
  • UWSRegExt - The note has been completed but its use is in question and will be up for disussion in the joint GWS/DAL/Reg session.
Action Updates:
  • None

WG/Registry (ThD/PLS)

WG/Semantics (ML/MD)

  • New page for vocabularies under the ivoa semantics group/ M.D and Giuilia

  • Planned : A Census on usage of the datalink terms : what is used in practice ? how can we maintain this vocabulary?
  • Requirements for the description of Instruments and Telescope. The documentalist use-case ( with E. Perret and M.Buga , CDS) is currently under study .
  • Face to Face meeting planned in Strasbourg with B. Ceconni and colleagues
  • Planned revision on the Note on Vocabularies from N. Gray - Markus Demleitner

IG/Data Curation & Preservation (AS/TJ)

IG/Education (CC/HH)


IG/Ops (TM/MT)

IG/Solar System (BC/SJ)

IG/Theory (CR)


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Topic revision: r8 - 2018-11-07 - MireilleLouys
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