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SimDB = Simulation Database

  • page describing why we think SimDB development needs explicit input from different working groups.

We have split up the former SNAP effort of the Theory Interest Group in two separate ones: SimDB(=Simulation Database) and SimDAP(=Simulation Data Access Protocol). Here we describe SimDB.

SimDB is a specification for a Simulation (meta-)Database (could be called Simulation Registry, -Portal).

SimDB is an online service offering query capabilities to a database containing meta data describing results of simulations and their post-processing as well as about the codes used in these algorithms. Currently the simulations are still supposed to be those that produce a representation of 3+1D space, (possibly reduced spatial dimension through assumptions of symmetry). This is open for discussion.

A SimDB also contains information about web services giving access to the simulation results themselves. The more detailed specification of such services is the goal of the SimDAP-specification.

-- HerveWozniak - 23 Jun 2008

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Topic revision: r2 - 2009-03-12 - GerardLemson
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