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Name: Gerard Lemson Email: glemson1 #64; Company Name: IDIES, Johns Hopkins University Company URL: Telephone: 1...
(back to main) This page is devoted to describing the SimDB data model (SimDB/DM from now on). Current model As described here all development can be followed on...
SimDB Data Model Review This page is meant to gather comments on the data model from the theory IG and data model WG. The data model that we propose can be found from...
(back to main) SimDB/REST SimDB is based on a data model. Data models are supposed to be represented in UML and be accompanied by an XML schema. In SimDB we propose...
(back to main) The SimDB Registry Connection Here we discuss the relations between SimDB and the Registry. Questions to consider How should a SimDB be registered...
(back to main) In SimDB, particularly in its data model, we aim to use pre defined semantic vocabularies. The idea is that certain `label` attributes in the model...
(back to main) By design, SimDB `is a` TAP service. It is a TAP service in that it presumes that metadata is stored in a relational database and ADQL queries can...
(back to main) Points of discussion for SimDB within the theory interest group is the SimDB data model sufficient for describing your simulations etc...
The tables on this page summarise decisions taken during first the SNAP, then the SimDB projects. These issues were discussed mainly in a small core group (`tiger...
SimDB at IVOA Interop Strasbourg, May 2009 TIG session: main discussion session, how to proceed towards standard. explain current status (GL)...
Interactions of SimDB development effort with others WGs. SimDB starting page We plan forming a focus group to tackle SimDB and other issues. This group should...
IVOA Theory Update 2023 09 20 These pages are quite out of date! They will be updated and edited over the next couple of months with new activity from the Theory...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Number of topics: 13

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