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SimDB = Simulation Database

We have (since Jan 2008) split up the former SNAP effort of the Theory Interest Group in two separate ones: SimDB(=Simulation Database) and SimDAP(=Simulation Data Access Protocol). Here we describe SimDB.

SimDB is a specification for a Simulation (meta-)Database (could be called Simulation Registry, -Portal).

SimDB is an online service offering query capabilities to a database containing meta data describing results of simulations and their post-processing as well as about the codes used in these algorithms. Currently the simulations are still supposed to be those that produce a representation of 3+1D space, (possibly reduced spatial dimension through assumptions of symmetry). This is open for discussion.

A SimDB also contains information about web services giving access to the simulation results themselves. The more detailed specification of such services is the goal of the SimDAP-specification.

To be continued ...

-- HerveWozniak - 23 Jun 2008

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Topic revision: r4 - 2009-03-13 - GerardLemson
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