Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf DMRunning-10-2021.pdf r1 manage 38.3 K 2021-10-06 - 13:13 LaurentMichel Running Meeting 10/2021 conductor
PDFpdf IVOA_DM_premeeting_20210517_v1.pdf r1 manage 1583.1 K 2021-05-17 - 16:43 GerardLemson VO-DML and Mapping
PDFpdf MAY2021-ws41.pdf r1 manage 2638.1 K 2021-07-15 - 08:26 LaurentMichel Wrap-up session
PDFpdf MangoViewONtwoTables.pdf r1 manage 1311.1 K 2021-05-22 - 13:47 FrancoisBonnarel Mango view on top of two tables with time variation
PDFpdf Workshop_pre-interop.pdf r1 manage 585.8 K 2021-05-17 - 14:00 LaurentMichel  
PDFpdf dm_workshop_preinterop.pdf r1 manage 2883.3 K 2021-05-18 - 13:18 MarkCresitelloDittmar Implementation review
PDFpdf markus.pdf r1 manage 2876.6 K 2021-05-17 - 18:30 MarkusDemleitner Lecture notes for Markus' talk
PDFpdf workshop_pre-interop_MANGO.pdf r1 manage 2858.9 K 2021-05-17 - 14:00 LaurentMichel  
PDFpdf workshop_pre-interop_MANGO2.pdf r1 manage 2768.9 K 2021-07-15 - 08:25 LaurentMichel MANGO + MIVOT

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Topic revision: r18 - 2021-10-06 - LaurentMichel
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