Difference: InterOpMay2020KDIG (1 vs. 13)

Revision 132020-05-13 - MarkTaylor


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC

Zoom link: finished and closed


Etherpad: https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_Virtual2020_KDIG

Recording available at CANFAR

Etherpad: https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_Virtual2020_KDIG

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5' pdf
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Active Learning in the VO-Cloud 15' + 10' pdf
Jiri Nadvornik Hierachical Cubes with Uncertainties 15' + 10' Hierarchical_Probabilistic_Cube.pdf
Petr Skoda Self Organizing Maps in the VO-Cloud (historical work) 5' pdf
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 5' + 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 10'


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" attr="" comment="Discussion Points" date="1589307174" name="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" path="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" size="136401" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589308257" name="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" path="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" size="6759062" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="defvocloudAL.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589312355" name="defvocloudAL.pdf" path="defvocloudAL.pdf" size="1207667" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="defvocloudhistory.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589312336" name="defvocloudhistory.pdf" path="defvocloudhistory.pdf" size="3078190" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Hierarchical_Probabilistic_Cube.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589315865" name="Hierarchical_Probabilistic_Cube.pdf" path="Hierarchical Probabilistic Cube.pdf" size="659930" user="JiriNadvornik" version="1"

Revision 122020-05-12 - MarkTaylor


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC


Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89442777380?pwd=T2lWTlRrL3haMUFnaHZOcjVTWjlQdz09


Zoom link: finished and closed


Etherpad: https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_Virtual2020_KDIG

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5' pdf
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Active Learning in the VO-Cloud 15' + 10' pdf
Jiri Nadvornik Hierachical Cubes with Uncertainties 15' + 10' Hierarchical_Probabilistic_Cube.pdf
Petr Skoda Self Organizing Maps in the VO-Cloud (historical work) 5' pdf
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 5' + 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 10'


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" attr="" comment="Discussion Points" date="1589307174" name="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" path="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" size="136401" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589308257" name="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" path="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" size="6759062" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="defvocloudAL.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589312355" name="defvocloudAL.pdf" path="defvocloudAL.pdf" size="1207667" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="defvocloudhistory.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589312336" name="defvocloudhistory.pdf" path="defvocloudhistory.pdf" size="3078190" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Hierarchical_Probabilistic_Cube.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589315865" name="Hierarchical_Probabilistic_Cube.pdf" path="Hierarchical Probabilistic Cube.pdf" size="659930" user="JiriNadvornik" version="1"

Revision 112020-05-12 - JiriNadvornik


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89442777380?pwd=T2lWTlRrL3haMUFnaHZOcjVTWjlQdz09

Etherpad: https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_Virtual2020_KDIG

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5' pdf
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Active Learning in the VO-Cloud 15' + 10' pdf
Jiri Nadvornik Hierachical Cubes with Uncertainties 15' + 10'  
Jiri Nadvornik Hierachical Cubes with Uncertainties 15' + 10' Hierarchical_Probabilistic_Cube.pdf
Petr Skoda Self Organizing Maps in the VO-Cloud (historical work) 5' pdf
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 5' + 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 10'


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" attr="" comment="Discussion Points" date="1589307174" name="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" path="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" size="136401" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589308257" name="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" path="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" size="6759062" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="defvocloudAL.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589312355" name="defvocloudAL.pdf" path="defvocloudAL.pdf" size="1207667" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="defvocloudhistory.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589312336" name="defvocloudhistory.pdf" path="defvocloudhistory.pdf" size="3078190" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Hierarchical_Probabilistic_Cube.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589315865" name="Hierarchical_Probabilistic_Cube.pdf" path="Hierarchical Probabilistic Cube.pdf" size="659930" user="JiriNadvornik" version="1"

Revision 102020-05-12 - MarkTaylor


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89442777380?pwd=T2lWTlRrL3haMUFnaHZOcjVTWjlQdz09

Etherpad: https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_Virtual2020_KDIG

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5' pdf
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Active Learning in the VO-Cloud 15' + 10' pdf
Petr Skoda Active Learning in the VO-Cloud 15' + 10' pdf
Jiri Nadvornik Hierachical Cubes with Uncertainties 15' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Self Organizing Maps in the VO-Cloud (historical work) 5'  
Petr Skoda Self Organizing Maps in the VO-Cloud (historical work) 5' pdf
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 5' + 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 10'


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" attr="" comment="Discussion Points" date="1589307174" name="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" path="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" size="136401" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589308257" name="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" path="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" size="6759062" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="defvocloudAL.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589312355" name="defvocloudAL.pdf" path="defvocloudAL.pdf" size="1207667" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="defvocloudhistory.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589312336" name="defvocloudhistory.pdf" path="defvocloudhistory.pdf" size="3078190" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"

Revision 92020-05-12 - MarkTaylor


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC


Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89442777380?pwd=T2lWTlRrL3haMUFnaHZOcjVTWjlQdz09


Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89442777380?pwd=T2lWTlRrL3haMUFnaHZOcjVTWjlQdz09

Etherpad: https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_Virtual2020_KDIG

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5' pdf
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Active Learning in the VO-Cloud 15' + 10' pdf
Jiri Nadvornik Hierachical Cubes with Uncertainties 15' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Self Organizing Maps in the VO-Cloud (historical work) 5'  
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 5' + 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 10'


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" attr="" comment="Discussion Points" date="1589307174" name="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" path="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" size="136401" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589308257" name="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" path="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" size="6759062" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"

Revision 82020-05-12 - KaiLarsPolsterer


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC

Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89442777380?pwd=T2lWTlRrL3haMUFnaHZOcjVTWjlQdz09

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5' pdf
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Active Learning in the VO-Cloud 15' + 10' pdf
Jiri Nadvornik Hierachical Cubes with Uncertainties 15' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Self Organizing Maps in the VO-Cloud (historical work) 5'  
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 5' + 10' youtube video
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 5' + 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 10'


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" attr="" comment="Discussion Points" date="1589307174" name="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" path="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" size="136401" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1589308257" name="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" path="ivoa_interop_may2020_presentation_16_9_short.pdf" size="6759062" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"

Revision 72020-05-12 - MarkTaylor


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC


* * Zoom link will be posted here by 18:00 UTC * *


Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89442777380?pwd=T2lWTlRrL3haMUFnaHZOcjVTWjlQdz09

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5' pdf
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Active Learning in the VO-Cloud 15' + 10' pdf
Jiri Nadvornik Hierachical Cubes with Uncertainties 15' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Self Organizing Maps in the VO-Cloud (historical work) 5'  
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 5' + 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 10'


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" attr="" comment="Discussion Points" date="1589307174" name="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" path="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" size="136401" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"

Revision 62020-05-12 - KaiLarsPolsterer


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC

* * Zoom link will be posted here by 18:00 UTC * *

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5'  
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5' pdf
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Active Learning in the VO-Cloud 15' + 10' pdf
Jiri Nadvornik Hierachical Cubes with Uncertainties 15' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Self Organizing Maps in the VO-Cloud (historical work) 5'  
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 5' + 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 10'

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" attr="" comment="Discussion Points" date="1589307174" name="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" path="IVOA_KDIG_session.pdf" size="136401" user="KaiLarsPolsterer" version="1"

Revision 52020-05-12 - KaiLarsPolsterer


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC

* * Zoom link will be posted here by 18:00 UTC * *

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5'  
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 5'  
Petr Skoda tbd 25' + 5' pdf
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 45'
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Active Learning in the VO-Cloud 15' + 10' pdf
Jiri Nadvornik Hierachical Cubes with Uncertainties 15' + 10'  
Petr Skoda Self Organizing Maps in the VO-Cloud (historical work) 5'  
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 5' + 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 10'

Revision 42020-05-12 - MarkTaylor


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC


* * Zoom link will be posted here by 18:00 UTC * *

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5'  
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 5'  
Petr Skoda tbd 25' + 5' pdf
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 45'


Revision 32020-05-11 - GerardLemson


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5'  
Gerard Lemson SkyServer 25' + 5'  
Gerard Lemson SciServer 25' + 5'  
Petr Skoda tbd 25' + 5' pdf
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 45'


Revision 22020-05-08 - MarkTaylor


KDIG Session


Tuesday May 18 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC


Tuesday May 12 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5'  
Gerard Lemson SkyServer 25' + 5'  
Petr Skoda tbd 25' + 5' pdf
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 10' youtube video
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 45'


Revision 12020-05-08 - KaiLarsPolsterer


KDIG Session

Tuesday May 18 - Virtual - 19:00 - 21:00 UTC

<-- -->
Sorted ascending
Title Duration Materials
All Open Discussion: are we ready for data-science? Next steps in KDIG 45'
Antonio D'Isanto Megavis (watch video in advance!!!) 10' youtube video
Gerard Lemson SkyServer 25' + 5'  
Kai Polsterer Introduction 5'  
Petr Skoda tbd 25' + 5' pdf

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