Difference: InterOpMay2009Applications (29 vs. 30)

Revision 302009-05-29 - TusharAgrawal

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaApplications"

Applications Session at the

May 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpMay2009#Program)


Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location          
Joint Apps/G&WS Tuesday, May 26 Théâtre
Andre Schaaff VOSpace and Aladin (pdf )    
Tamas Budavari VOSpace and the next generation of SkyNodes    
Matthew Graham VOSpace future developments for applications    
Petr Skoda Doing science analysis in the VO environment: A case study of spectra disentangling (pdf)    
Applications 1: Web-based Applications Wednesday, May 27, 9:00-10:30 Théâtre
Arnold Rots CSCView    
Thomas Boch CDS Portal (.pdf)    
Thomas McGlynn NVO Portal (.pdf)    
Jonathan Fay The new WorldWide Telescope Web Control    
Juan Gonzalez VOSpec (.pdf)    
Franck Le Petit, Patrick Hennebelle, Benjamin Ooghe, Nicolas Moreau, Fabrice Roy Platform of theoretical services for the Interstellar Medium (.pdf)    
Applications 3: SAMP Applications Wednesday, May 27 11:00-12:30 Théâtre
Mark Taylor SAMP Applications (.pdf)    
Jonathan Fay WorldWide Telescope SAMP Support    
Ivan Zolotukhin, Igor Chilingarian SAMP-powered collaborative research    
Tushar Agrawal VOPlatform and VOI Mosaic Service    
Tushar Agrawal VOPlatform and VOI Mosaic Service (.ppt)    
Applications 2: Standalone Applications Thursday, May 28, 9:00-10:30 Théâtre
Pierre Fernique, Anaïs Oberto, François Bonnarel, Thomas Boch Aladin VO New Features (.pdf)    
Massimo Ramella AIDA Outreach    
Laurent Michel Building-up a DataModel view on a Saada data base    
Ajit Kembhavi Proposal Management and Data Archiving Systems for the GMRT    
Igor Chilingarian VO science beyond data mining (.pdf)    
Norman Gray SKUA -- saving and sharing annotations (with a little bit of semantics) (.pdf)    
Chenzhou Cui A VO-driven national astronomical data grid initiation in China (.pdf)    
Thomas McGlynn, Michael Preciado Validation of Online VO Services in Registry Curation Session  


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1243329853" name="GWS-Applications-VOSpace-26May09.pdf" path="GWS-Applications-VOSpace-26May09.pdf" size="368183" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1243340247" name="defIVOA2009-KOREL.pdf" path="defIVOA2009-KOREL.pdf" size="1861711" user="PetrSkoda" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1243406488" name="NVOSS09bPortal.pptx" path="NVOSS09b Portal.pptx" size="811421" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="SAMP session" date="1243425852" name="apps-samp.tex" path="apps-samp.tex" size="6971" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SAMP slides pdf" date="1243425895" name="apps-samp.pdf" path="apps-samp.pdf" size="60989" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec presentation" date="1243462259" name="VOSpec_StrassbourgInterOp_2009.pdf" path="VOSpec_StrassbourgInterOp_2009.pdf" size="850189" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slides for NVOSS Portal demo" date="1243462346" name="NVOSS09bPortal.pdf" path="NVOSS09b Portal.pdf" size="449487" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1243495082" name="vo_sci_chilingarian.pdf" path="vo_sci_chilingarian.pdf" size="1665995" user="IgorChilingarian" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="National astronomical data grid in China" date="1243495405" name="CNAstroGrid_0905.pdf" path="CNAstroGrid_0905.pdf" size="1796738" user="ChenzhouCui" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1243499396" name="SKUAannotations.pdf" path="SKUA annotations.pdf" size="432891" user="NormanGray" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1243502702" name="Franck_ISMPlatform.pdf" path="Franck_ISMPlatform.pdf" size="4997396" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Aladin VO new features" date="1243513284" name="Aladin.pdf" path="Aladin.pdf" size="1064199" user="PierreFernique" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="New developments for the CDS Portal" date="1243515297" name="CDSPortalNewFeatures.pdf" path="CDSPortalNewFeatures.pdf" size="454856" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOPlatform and VOI Mosaic Service" date="1243589034" name="Strasbourg_Tushar.ppt" path="Strasbourg_Tushar.ppt" size="2349056" user="TusharAgrawal" version="1.1"
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