TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaEvents>VoscienceIAUPrague (revision 7)EditAttach

The Virtual Observatory in action: new science, new technology, and next generation facilities.

VO Science Symposium @ IAU XXVI General Assembly

A proposal has been submitted to the IAU on January 3rd 2005. If the proposal is accepted, this page will accumulate more information.


This proposed conference will highlight scientific achievement enabled by the Virtual Observatory initiatives, and review technical progress towards the VO vision

Location and Date

The proposed location for the conference is Prague, The Czech Republic. The Symposium will take place during the IAU General Assembly in August 2006.


A copy of the proposal as submitted is attached here:

Working Documents for S.O.C.

The timeline, draft proposal, letters of support, and some other bits and pieces are collated on the WorkingDocs page.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc prague-proposal-final.doc r1 manage 90.0 K 2005-01-03 - 15:48 AndyLawrence  
HTMLhtm prague-proposal-final.htm r1 manage 133.8 K 2005-01-03 - 15:49 AndyLawrence  
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Topic revision: r7 - 2005-05-18 - AndyLawrence
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