<h3> TXI: Standards for tables built from multiple XML instances?</h3> A pattern emerging in multiple working groups is the "Table of XML Instances", or TXI pattern; and the question is to what extent IVOA should be involved in standardization. Three examples have emerged: Regions, Resources, and Events. IVOA already has a standard XML description of, for example, a sky region, including observation location, coordinate frame, etc etc; but if there are 100 regions, all quadrilaterals of the same frame and observation location, then it is much more efficient to put common material at the top of a table, and the table rows hold what is different between the instances. Similarly (in NVO at least) a quasi-standard is emerging for a table of registry resources, rather than handle the complexity of multiple VOResource instances. The same is happening as a set of homogeneous VOEvents is rewritten as a table. The question is whether IVOA should standardize such TXI representations. Comment by ChristopheArviset <br> This Topic has not been co-sponsored, so it will not go to the 2008 Assessment and Roadmap document. <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2008-06-23 - ChristopheArviset
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