Jumps: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: RegistryOperations
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Service Validation

A Service Validater refers to a service or software tool that can check an instance of a standard service for compliance to its standard. This page tracks coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain validaters for IVOA service standards.


Available Service Validaters

Validater Services (a service that can check another service) intended for broad use should be registered in an IVOA registry (try search with keyword "validater"). Known validaters at the time of this writing include:


Please add any links to useful software related to validating services below

  • DALValidater -- a Java toolkit from NVO for creating service validaters. It includes the implementation for the SCS and SIA validaters listed above.

Defining Validation Tests

The links below attempt to enumerate the specific tests that a validater should encode to test full and correct compliance with a particular IVOA standard.

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Topic revision: r4 - 2009-11-10 - AurelienStebe
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