Jumps: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: RegistryOperations :: SIA standard
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Validation Tests: Simple Cone Search


These tests are drawn from "MUST" statements in the SIA standard

4.2.1a The VOTable query response must contain exactly one RESOURCE element with the attribute type="results".

  • this element will be referred to as the Results Resource
  • the VOTable may contain other RESOURCE elements as long type is not set to "results".

4.2.1b The Results Resource must contain exactly one TABLE element.


These tests are drawn from strongly encouraged "SHOULD" statements in the SIA standard and other recommendations from the IVOA. Compliance with these recommendations, while not required, are expected to significantly improve interoperability.

4.2.1c The Results Resource should be the first RESOURCE element in the VOTable.

  • this supports simple SIA consumers that (incorrectly) assume that the VOTable only contains one RESOURCE
  • this makes visual inspection easier while debugging.

4.2.2a The Results Resource containing successful search results should include one INFO element with the attribute name="QUERY_STATUS".


These tests are drawn from other "SHOULD" statements in the SIA standard and other recommendations from the IVOA.

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Topic revision: r1 - 2009-07-29 - RayPlante
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