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Jumps: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RegistryMetadata :: VOResourceV10 :: RegUpgradeSummer2006
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Registry Interfaces

This page tracks the evolution of IVOA Registry Interfaces, particularly the standard interfaces and supporting tools.


Current Development

Work is beginning to develop a new registry search interface. See RestfulRegistryInterfaceReq where we are gathering requirements and use cases.

Registry Interfaces v1.0

IVOA Standard Specification

IVOA Recommendation
IVOA Registry Interfaces v1.0 2009-11-04
KevinBenson, RayPlante, Editors
Closed Request For Comment

This document defines two interfaces to Registries: a search interface for discovery of resources based on their descriptions' contents, and a harvest interface that allows registries to replicated other registries' records.

Earlier versions can be found in document repository as well as attached to this page.

WSDLs and Schemas

The RI specification defines 2 WSDL file--one for the search interface and one for the harvest interface. Both import a common RegistryInterface schema. These are available here:

The above files import the VOResource-v1.0.xsd schema, and so legal VOResource extensions can be used as part of the interface messages. The currently IVOA-recognized VOResource extension schemas, including samples, are available from RegUpgradeSummer2006 individually or as a bundle (tar, zip).

KevinBenson has zipped up all the schema and WSDL files necessary to generate software stubs into a single zip bundle. Note that this contains a slightly out-of-date version of VOResource-v1.0.xsd, and an old version of OpenSkyNode schema. While it is probably not necessary to update the VOResource schema file; one should download the latest OpenSkyNode-v0.2.xsd

Note: The RegistrySearch-v1.0.wsdl file is changing prior to PR; for details see the note, RIWSDLCorrection

Useful Software

Registry Implementations

  • VORegistryInABox: As an implementation of a publishing registry, this provides supports on the Harvesting interface
  • Carnivore: A full registry implementation built on an XML database
  • Astrogrid Registry: A deployable implementation of a publishing or full registry, built upon an XML database.

Registry Clients

  • IVOAHarvester: a reference implementation of a harvester of other registries that includes validation
  • IVOARegistry: a client command-line application and reference library for querying searchable registries
  • VOExplorer : a graphical client application for searching registries
  • commandline scripts for querying searchable registries. Uses Astro Runtime

ADQL to SQL Parsing


An XSLT stylesheet for converting ADQL v1.0 to SQL can be downloaded here : adql2sql_v10_registry.xsl.
This file should work just fine for v0.9 and v0.8, just by changing the namespace declaration.
Note that the xPath expressions still need to be converted to your database column names. -- AurelienStebe - 23 Aug 2005

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc IVOARegistryInterface-v0.02.doc r1 manage 233.5 K 2005-03-09 - 09:10 MarcoLeoni Registry Interface Spec (.doc)
PDFpdf IVOARegistryInterface-v0.02.pdf r1 manage 92.6 K 2005-03-09 - 09:11 MarcoLeoni Registry Interface Spec (.pdf)
Microsoft Word filedoc IVOARegistryInterface-v0.03.doc r1 manage 189.5 K 2005-03-16 - 16:55 KevinBenson New Registry Interface 0.3
PDFpdf IVOARegistryInterface-v0.03.pdf r1 manage 95.2 K 2005-03-16 - 16:54 KevinBenson New Registry Interface 0.3
Microsoft Word filedoc IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1.doc r2 r1 manage 163.0 K 2004-06-24 - 12:46 KevinBenson Registry Interface Spec defining Query and Harvest
PDFpdf IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1.pdf r1 manage 252.5 K 2004-06-24 - 14:09 KevinBenson Registry Interface Spec defining Query and Harvest
Microsoft Word filedoc PR-RegistryInterface-1.0-20090917.doc r1 manage 546.0 K 2009-09-22 - 22:11 RayPlante final PR version prior to Exec Approval
PDFpdf PR-RegistryInterface-1.0-20090917.pdf r1 manage 844.6 K 2009-09-22 - 22:12 RayPlante final PR version prior to Exec Approval
Unknown file formatwsdl RegistryHarvest-v1.0.wsdl r1 manage 13.1 K 2006-11-07 - 23:09 RayPlante for v1.00 of RI spec
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-0.8.7.pdf r1 manage 239.3 K 2006-08-14 - 11:31 KevinBenson Minor change to GetIdentity
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-20061107.doc r1 manage 969.0 K 2006-11-07 - 17:22 RayPlante v1.0 submitted to doc repository
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-20061107.pdf r1 manage 414.9 K 2006-11-07 - 17:25 RayPlante v1.0 submitted to doc repository
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-20080929.doc r2 r1 manage 1019.5 K 2008-09-29 - 22:12 RayPlante  
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-v0.8.1.doc r2 r1 manage 241.5 K 2005-12-07 - 15:16 KevinBenson New RI doc -- Very Minor changes.
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-v0.8.1.pdf r2 r1 manage 93.2 K 2005-12-07 - 15:33 KevinBenson New RI doc -- Very Minor changes.
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-v0.8.2.doc r1 manage 305.5 K 2006-06-01 - 14:37 KevinBenson New RI doc - changes from Victoria discussion
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-v0.8.2.pdf r1 manage 91.1 K 2006-06-01 - 14:49 KevinBenson New RI pdf - changes from Victoria discussion
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-v0.8.3.doc r1 manage 331.0 K 2006-06-14 - 12:38 KevinBenson RI doc from comments, still more changes to come.
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-v0.8.3.pdf r1 manage 93.1 K 2006-06-14 - 12:38 KevinBenson RI doc from comments, still more changes to come.
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-v0.8.4.doc r1 manage 561.0 K 2006-06-20 - 11:59 KevinBenson RI Doc from comments, getting closer
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-v0.8.4.pdf r1 manage 120.4 K 2006-06-20 - 12:03 KevinBenson RI Doc from comments, getting closer
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 158.2 K 2006-06-20 - 15:04 KevinBenson WSDL corresponding to RI 0.8.4
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-v0.8.5.doc r1 manage 890.5 K 2006-06-28 - 21:00 KevinBenson RI Doc from comments, Near the End
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-v0.8.5.pdf r1 manage 239.3 K 2006-06-28 - 21:01 KevinBenson RI Doc from comments, Near the End
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 28.3 K 2006-06-28 - 21:02 KevinBenson WSDL for RI 0.8.5 easier and all in one directory
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-v0.8.6.doc r1 manage 913.5 K 2006-07-10 - 16:25 KevinBenson RI Doc very minor change on inline wsdl
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-v0.8.6.pdf r1 manage 239.3 K 2006-07-10 - 16:23 KevinBenson RI Doc very minor change on inline wsdl
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 28.3 K 2006-07-10 - 16:26 KevinBenson WSDLs and schemas for RI 0.8.6
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-v0.8.7.doc r1 manage 916.5 K 2006-08-14 - 11:25 KevinBenson Minor change to GetIdentity
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 28.8 K 2006-08-14 - 12:00 KevinBenson WSDLS and schemas for RI 0.8.7
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-v0.8.8.doc r1 manage 930.0 K 2006-10-15 - 16:34 KevinBenson Minor changes from Mosow
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-v0.8.8.pdf r1 manage 240.2 K 2006-10-15 - 16:48 KevinBenson Minor changes from moscow
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 29.7 K 2006-09-29 - 14:55 KevinBenson WSDLS and schemas (new RegistryInterface.xsd)
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-v0.8.doc r1 manage 212.5 K 2005-07-25 - 15:05 KevinBenson Registry Interface 0.8
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-v0.8.pdf r1 manage 138.8 K 2005-07-25 - 15:15 KevinBenson PDF version of Registry Interface Spec for 0.8
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 55.3 K 2004-11-16 - 09:16 KevinBenson Corrected WSDL and Schemas
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 55.2 K 2004-11-22 - 19:37 KevinBenson Corrected wsdl and schema
Compressed Zip archivezip r2 r1 manage 185.4 K 2005-12-07 - 15:02 KevinBenson WSDLs-- corrected namespaces and adql1.0 not 0.9
Unknown file formatxsd RegistryInterface-v1.0.xsd r1 manage 1.9 K 2008-09-29 - 21:52 RayPlante for v1.00 of RI spec (documentation typo fixed)
Unknown file formatxsd RegistryInterface.xsd r1 manage 1.9 K 2006-11-07 - 23:09 RayPlante for v1.00 of RI spec
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 102.6 K 2005-07-25 - 15:00 KevinBenson  
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 61.3 K 2005-03-16 - 16:49 KevinBenson New WSDL's correspond 0.3 doc, local schemas
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 56.0 K 2004-11-15 - 16:41 KevinBenson WSDL again corrected
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 56.4 K 2004-11-15 - 16:40 KevinBenson WSDL corrected w/ Response for OAI is OAI-PMH
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 55.3 K 2004-11-16 - 08:36 KevinBenson Corrected WSDL with Schemas
Unknown file formatwsdl RegistrySearch-v1.0.wsdl r1 manage 12.2 K 2008-09-29 - 21:51 RayPlante for v1.00 of RI spec (to/max problem fixed)
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 31.3 K 2004-06-24 - 08:48 KevinBenson WSDL and imported schemas
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Topic revision: r50 - 2012-06-26 - root
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