Participants: Mireille, François, Ole, Anastasia, Michèle, Mathieu
- Parameter as an Entity, or as an independent class?
- Parameter class
- specific concept in IVOA (and in general)
- link to configuration of an Activity (though it is not in the main requirement for IVOA Provenance)
- no history needed in this context
- exist in SimDB
- However
- What if we want the history of a parameter?
- Some Parameters may in fact be listed as Entities
- so one need to collect both Parameters and Entities to have a list of input parameters
- ParameterEntity class
- logical place in the W3C system
- specializationOf an Entity with PARAM attributes
- However
- Inherits complex relations and attributes
- Not directly linked to the Activity
- so what is the difference with a basic Entity?
- + UWS system use of parameters as a use case
- All inputs to a UWS job are uws:param objects
- Need to map Parameters and Input Entities to uws:param
- The list of inputs with their nature must be given (e.g. as an ActivityDescription + roles for input)
- Parameters and Entities are very similar, but:
- A parameter can be written more simply (e.g. PARAM in VOTable, uws:param, POST/GET parameters)
- An Entity is more complex, one need to store the relation and role in addition to the parameter attributes
- => The concept of Parameter exist and should appear in the Provenance DM
- propose two solutions for a use case to discuss the best representation
- in any case, in the W3C context, Parameters are Entities
- Descriptions: stored as Bundles? link with specializationOf?
- Seems to be logical
- Is it an abuse of what is a Bundle ?
- Note that Bundle is an extension of the W3C core concepts
- The proposed ActivityDescription serialization as an extended DataLink service descriptor corresponds to this Bundle
- W3C serialization (do we really need an IVOA format?)
- Mathieu : write a section to describe the serialization of the DM with W3C concepts
- Parameter as W3C Entity
- Descriptions as W3C Bundle
- use specializationOf relation
- ActivityFlow: still issues with the wasGeneratedBy multiplicity (add level attribute?)
- not in the core model
- as an extension, different scopes, additional section ?
- Mireille : Summarize and see how to integrate this to the draft
Next meetings:
- IVOA Victoria : Mireille, François, Ole, Michèle, Mathieu
- Provenance Week participation (though deadline for posters was in April it seems...)
- ASTERICS EDP Forum meeting in Heidelberg, end of June