Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt 2017-07-27-Provenance-Meeting-Paris-discussion-notes.txt r1 manage 8.8 K 2017-08-02 - 22:14 KristinRiebe Discussion notes, from Kristin
JPEGjpg IMG_20170727_151941214.jpg r1 manage 3274.8 K 2017-07-27 - 13:25 OleStreicher Timeline for draft before Santiago
JPEGjpg IMG_20170728_134058376_2.jpg r1 manage 27.5 K 2017-07-28 - 12:08 AnastasiaGalkin  
JPEGjpg IMG_20170728_134112810_2.jpg r1 manage 1036.0 K 2017-07-28 - 12:02 AnastasiaGalkin  
JPEGjpg IMG_20170728_134145275_2.jpg r1 manage 36.2 K 2017-07-28 - 12:10 AnastasiaGalkin  
PDFpdf Provenance-Implementations-Paris-2017.pdf r1 manage 1647.4 K 2017-07-27 - 16:15 KristinRiebe Talk by Kristin on Progress on RAVE Django web application
Unknown file formatpptx ProvenanceDM-ImplementationStrasbourg_statusJuly2017_28.pptx r1 manage 7519.3 K 2017-07-28 - 14:38 MireilleLouys test data base for provenance @CDS - python script for ingestion and queries
XMLxml cdsInput-vot.xml r1 manage 67.1 K 2017-07-28 - 14:30 MireilleLouys VOtable list of clases to feed the CDS test DB
JPEGjpg poster.jpg r1 manage 83.7 K 2017-07-27 - 13:48 OleStreicher Poster
JPEGjpg poster2.jpg r1 manage 38.8 K 2017-07-27 - 13:48 OleStreicher Poster
JPEGjpg provdal_traversing.jpg r1 manage 42.1 K 2017-07-27 - 15:28 OleStreicher ProvDAL traversing option
XMLxml queryResponse-taplike-VOTable.xml r1 manage 2.1 K 2017-07-28 - 14:33 MireilleLouys query response (taplike) in votable format . F.Bonnarel
Unknown file formatjson queryResponse1-taplike.json r1 manage 2.0 K 2017-07-28 - 14:32 MireilleLouys Query response (taplike) in Json format . François B
JPEGjpeg timeline.jpeg r1 manage 48.9 K 2017-07-27 - 13:29 OleStreicher Timeline for draft before Santiago
JPEGjpg tools.jpg r1 manage 30.5 K 2017-07-27 - 13:57 OleStreicher Provenance data tools

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > WebPreferences > ProvDayJuly2017
Topic revision: r20 - 2017-08-02 - KristinRiebe
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