This page contains information about MOC, the Multi-Order Coverage map format.

Recommendation History

See IVOA Document Versions for the official list of all IVOA documents and versions.

Standard Release Date
MOC2.0 17 March 2022
MOC1.1 07 October 2019
MOC 1.0 02 June 2014



MOC is defined by the MOC standard. The most recent version is Version 2.0, dated 17 March 2022.


MOC validators

MOC compatible tools

  • Topcat & STILTs [Starlink] (generation from catalogs / manipulation)
  • Aladin Desktop [CDS] (generation from images&catalogs / display / manipulation)
  • Aladin Lite [CDS] (display)
  • MIZAR [CNES] (display)
  • ESAsky [ESAC] (display)
  • Moc server [CDS] (MOCs DB)

MOC examples

Lib, tools & data associated to MOC 2.0 effort

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatjar JavaMoc2.jar r1 manage 69.2 K 2021-10-19 - 09:53 PierreFernique MOC 6.2 bytecode (MOC WD 2.0 compliant + bug fixed)
Unknown file formatjar JavaMoc2Src.jar r1 manage 78.1 K 2021-10-19 - 09:52 PierreFernique MOC 6.2 source java code + examples (MOC WD2.0 compliant + bug fixed)
Unknown file formatjar Moc.jar r10 r9 r8 r7 r6 manage 62.2 K 2017-12-04 - 13:57 PierreFernique Moc 5.0 bytecode
Unknown file formatjar MocLint.jar r1 manage 355.4 K 2021-05-26 - 12:14 PierreFernique MOC validator (2.0 compliant)
Unknown file formatjar MocSrc.jar r9 r8 r7 r6 r5 manage 46.6 K 2017-10-25 - 09:42 PierreFernique Moc 5.0 source java code + examples
Unknown file formatfits STMOC.fits r1 manage 9810.0 K 2021-05-26 - 09:49 PierreFernique STMOC Fits example (2.0 compliant)
Unknown file formatjar cdshealpix.jar r1 manage 280.3 K 2021-05-25 - 06:33 PierreFernique CDS Java HEALPix lib (alternative HEALPix lib)
Unknown file formatjar healpix.essentials.jar r1 manage 68.3 K 2016-01-07 - 09:58 PierreFernique Java HEALPix 3.3 minimal package (required for Moc4.5, 4.6, 4.7 API)
Unknown file formatjar jhealpixSmall.jar r1 manage 48.7 K 2013-09-24 - 10:51 PierreFernique Java HEALPix 3.11 (obsoleted -> required for previous Moc 4.4 API)
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Topic revision: r32 - 2024-08-01 - GrahamBell
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