---+ TCG Interop Meeting (F2F) - Sun, May 07 2023 @ 9:30am Local Time (CEST / UTC+2) * *Congress Center, CNR Research Area, Bologna, Italy* (<a href="https://www.bo.cnr.it/congressi/" target="_blank">venue details</a>) * *Meeting is planned to span:* * _9:30 - 10:00: Welcome coffee_ * *10:00-12:00: meeting* * _12:00-13:00: lunch_ * *13:00-15:30: meeting* * *Exec meeting with TCG participation will then be held at 16:00* (see also [[InterOpMay2023][Interop agenda]]) --- * _Attendees_ : Janet, Marco, Pierre, Adrian, James, Grégory, Laurent, Jesus, Giuliano, Dave, Renaud, Tess, Markus, Gilles, Hendrik, Raffaele, Yihan, Mark T., François, Anne, Baptiste, Simon, Mark C.-D., Ada, Pat, Christophe, [remote:] Carlo, Shanshan, Steve, Mark L., Francesca * _Regrets_ : Gus --- ---++ Zoom * zoom link was provided for remote participation *Pay attention*: Exec meeting (with TCG participation) vconf has a different zoom room, details will be shared. ---++ Actions * ---++ Agenda *(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)* * Session logistics: in person/remote/zoom recording (Marco) * Review open Recs/Errata/... * *MIVOT REC status, ADQL-2.1, DALI-2.2, DataLink-1.1 RFC status* * *approved examples vocabulary, alerted about SODA Err-3 to be voted on nect TCG meeting* * Step through the Roadmap, get status, discuss next steps & stumbling blocks to progress (Janet w/ WG/IG leads) * [[2022BRoadmap][https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/2022BRoadmap]] * *extensive overview and discussion on activities and relation to interop's sessions* * Connections between CSP priorities and groups and between groups (Ada) * *High Energy group follow up activities* * Code of Conduct discussion/plan (Dave M) * *overview of the repo, goal of CoC, role of Exec & TCG in updating it, visibility of the CoC (markdown version for git)* * Standards process & document repository maintenance (Marco) * overview of current steps in submitting documents * *light review of the hurdles with documents repo landing* * RFC vs TCG review and "abstain" votes (Pat) * *discussion on "abstain" meaning and intended use of the StdProc and voting* * New IVOA Web Page (Christophe) * DRAFT page: https://sdc-dev.astron.nl/ivoa_web/ * TCG comments: [[IvoaLandingtSep22][https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaLandingtSep22]] * AOB * Next TCG meeting via Zoom: * *Wednesday 21 June 2023 @ 20:00 UTC* * IVOA Events page: <a href="IvoaEvents" target="_top">https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaEvents</a>
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r10 - 2023-06-07 - MarcoMolinaro
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