
  • Janet, Marco, Tom, Adrian, James, Grégory, Laurent, Jesus, Giuliano, Theresa, Markus, Carlo, Hendrik, Raffaele, Mark T., Mark L., François, Baptiste, Gerard, Brent, Mark C.-D., Pat, Ada


  • Anne

Meeting Link

Time: Oct 13, 2021 20:00 UTC (04:00 PM Eastern Time)


(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)


  • New
    • Mark T - will check with Ops presenters if he can swap the Ops session with the Theory session - feedback to Gerard/Janet/Marco
    • JE - will add 2 slots to the schedule and reconfigure day 2/3 to look like May schedule for the 1st set of sessions in a day
    • Mark T - will check with ADASS on Posters in a separate room & welcome to keep ADASS posters up but see how they feel about it
    • Henrik - will make a new room and move/copy VO posters if OK with ADASS 9input from Mark T); Henrik will contact Janet if we will have a Poster session(s)
    • Francois B - will check with group if there will be a joint Interest group session he will request
    • JE/MM - Architecture doc is ready for Exec endorsement - JE to send to Exec Ch/V Ch
    • JE/MM - VODataService 1.2 ready for Exec
    • Mark CD - to respond to Vandana's feedback at the May Interop - consider a errata/note to add to Utpes to the current Spectrum model
      • acknowledge Vandana's feedback and figure out a path to respond to it
  • DONE
    • Adrian - Follow up with Tom on Hackathon for May a PyVO
      • AD+TD start working on this now and follow up to converge in May '22 Interop. Hack-a-thon focusing on table upload, possibly

Meeting agenda

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaTCG > IvoaTCG-2021-10-13
Topic revision: r6 - 2021-10-14 - MarcoMolinaro
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