---++ _Attendees_ * Janet, Marco, Tom, Adrian, James, Grégory, Laurent, Jesus, Giuliano, Theresa, Markus, Carlo, Hendrik, Raffaele, Mark T., Mark L., François, Baptiste, Gerard, Brent, Mark C.-D., Pat, Ada ---++ <a name="Regrets"></a><em>Regrets</em> * Anne ---+++ <a name="Meeting_Link"></a>Meeting Link Time: Oct 13, 2021 20:00 UTC (04:00 PM Eastern Time) ---+++ <a name="Agenda"></a>Agenda *(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)* ---++ <a name="ACTIONS"></a><a name="ACTIONS"></a>ACTIONS * New * Mark T - will check with Ops presenters if he can swap the Ops session with the Theory session - feedback to Gerard/Janet/Marco * JE - will add 2 slots to the schedule and reconfigure day 2/3 to look like May schedule for the 1st set of sessions in a day * Mark T - will check with ADASS on Posters in a separate room & welcome to keep ADASS posters up but see how they feel about it * Henrik - will make a new room and move/copy VO posters if OK with ADASS 9input from Mark T); Henrik will contact Janet if we will have a Poster session(s) * Francois B - will check with group if there will be a joint Interest group session he will request * JE/MM - Architecture doc is ready for Exec endorsement - JE to send to Exec Ch/V Ch * JE/MM - VODataService 1.2 ready for Exec * WORKING * Mark CD - to respond to Vandana's feedback at the May Interop - consider a errata/note to add to Utpes to the current Spectrum model * *acknowledge Vandana's feedback and figure out a path to respond to it* * DONE * Adrian - Follow up with Tom on Hackathon for May a <a rel="nofollow" href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/edit/IVOA/PyVO?topicparent=IVOA.IvoaTCG-2021-08-25;nowysiwyg=0" title="PyVO (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">PyVO</a> * *AD+TD start working on this now and follow up to converge in May '22 Interop. Hack-a-thon focusing on table upload, possibly* ---+++ <a name="Meeting_agenda"></a><a name="Meeting_agenda"></a>Meeting agenda * [[IvoaTCG#On_going_Recommendations][TCG Ongoing Recommendations / Endorsed Notes /Errata ]] * <em>New Recs - </em><span style="caret-color: #000066; color: #000066; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 13.649999618530273px;">EPN-TAP</span> * VODataService 1.2 (Rec) - __Ready for Exec__ * *TCG RFC closed, report will be sent to Exec* * VEP006 & 007 (Note) - __Hold; MD will report status next mtg__ * *VEPs need some further discussion and agreement among the Semantics WG, then it will be brought back to TCG attention/approval* * RegTAP-1.1 - Erratum 1 ([[RegTAP-1_1-Erratum-1]]) - __Given OK__ * *approved 13 October 2021 (to be reflected in erratum page and RegTAP-1.1 landing page* * (minor item) RFC template update * *alterted the RFC template is up to date* * Next Interop - Nov 2-4 _(Virtual 3 day meeting)_ * <em>Draft Schedule: </em><a href="InterOpNov2021" title="https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpNov2021">https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpNov2021</a> * Meeting/Registration: https://indico.ict.inaf.it/event/1634/ * Seed Program Prep Page: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ProgramPrepVirtualNov2021 * _Mtg topics:_ * _DRAFT Schedule in place - let's discuss_ * *GWS session addition* * *Theory/Ops potential session swap* * *adding 2 slots moving Wed.3 and Thu.4 from single 6:00UTC to 5:00UTC + 6:30UTC sessions* * _Pre-workshop Edu session - YES_ * *confirmed: Hendrik and Dave to work on it* * _Plenary session(??) - NO_ * _CSP session(??) - YES_ * *panel discussion on users and services interaction* * _Special Topic on Hybrid Interops - NOT SURE_ * *hybrid events discussion might better fit a dedicated meeting* * _Gathertown(??) - YES, GOT OK TO INCLUDE ADASS POSTERS, MORE DISCUSSION_ * *adapt/reuse ADASS setup, check agreement with ADASS POC* * *investigate (Hendrik) best practical solution and then add to interop's schedule to make it visible* * Architecture Doc -- PD summary * *Doc ready for EN endorsement, up to Exec being the TCG already the author of the Note itself* * *Pat also got from Christophe the DocStdProc source: plans to make it a github repo and add licensing text and other updates* * CSP Questions/Concerns * *CSP meeting held on Sep.30 that led to CSP session topic definition* * AOB * Just a note ... Believe Europe changes clocks Oct 31; US changes clocks on Nov 7; - Interop falls between. * *Mark C.-D. report the need for a reference frames vocabulary while working on Coords doc. Markus reports it's up in the rdf part of ivoa.net already and will be worled out through SimpleDALRegExt.* * Next meeting * Oct 27 @20 UTC - during ADASS banquet!! * *Some further/more detailed [[%ATTACHURL%/TCG_vconf_20211013_notes.txt][notes from the TC meeting]] are available here* <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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2021-10-14 - 10:11
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r7 - 2021-10-14 - MarcoMolinaro
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