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IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM13)

Date: Jan 09, 2005
Venue: SDSC, San Diego, USA

Location and Travel

The meeting will take place at SDSC on the UCSD campus, in room 462.

Parking is free at UCSD on weekends. Directions to parking and SDSC are provided at:

Logistics and Remote Call

  • SDSC has wireless, no password required.
  • People who want to participate by access grid need to send information about their site (IP address, telephone number) to Mike Gates (email: Mike will coordinate testing of the system before the meeting.
  • We will provide a teleconference number for the meeting. However we do need to know an approximate number of callers to reserve the correct number of ports.



  1. 09.30 ACTIONS review
  2. Project round-table
  3. ...
  4. IVOA calendar 2005, 2006
  5. AOB
  6. adjourn

WG and IG Reports

Working Group Report Chair
DAL pdf, doc Doug Tody
Data Modelling    
VO Query Language    
Interest Group Report Chair

Further Reading to Prepare for Meeting

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Topic revision: r1 - 2005-01-03 - NicholasWalton
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