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IVOA Education

Evaluate Requirement for a Registry Extension

Doc resources (tutorials, use cases, courses, and similar resources) should probably be registred in the VO registry. This is possible using generic resource records, probably with a Web Browser interface (which includes an access URL).

To assess the necessity of a specialized resource type for (i.e., a set of metadata tailored to) doc resources, it would be useful to collect a set of metadata that's found to be useful to locate the resources. This metadata list can at first simply be a bullet list of text items. Be bold and fanciful, we can always throw out items that don't stand the proportionality test. If you can figure out a scenario where a piece of information might help finding the stuff, it's a candidate.

Here's a short collection of metadata that's already in VOResource with a browser interface (which can already be used to register these things); this is supposed to serve as an example what we're after and also as a list of things you won't need to list:

  • Title, Author
  • Description
  • Coverage (RA, Dec, but also temporal, spectral, redshift)
  • License/Rights
  • Access URL
  • Relation (e.g., mirror-of, derived-from)
  • Dates of creation, update
  • Content level ("Elementary Education", "Amateur", etc)
  • Contact for Maintenance
  • Keywords/Subject
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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-10-24 - MarkusDemleitner
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