TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaDCP (revision 59)EditAttach

IVOA Data Curation and Preservation

"Share best practices and engage IVOA member projects in the long-term curation and preservation of astronomical data"

Chair : Gilles Landais Vice-Chair : Gus Muench

Chairs Emeritus : André Schaaff, Francoise Genova, Alberto Accomazzi, Bob Hanisch and Reagan Moore


Last news:


DCP Interest Group roots


The Data Curation and Preservation (DCP) Interest Group is established to share best practices and engage IVOA member projects in the long-term curation and preservation of astronomical data.

Main discussion topics:

  • Identification of at-risk data and data collections
  • Processes for engaging the community in curation and preservation activities
  • Coordination with strategic partners such as astronomical data centers, research libraries, and scholarly publishers
  • Feedback about related work done in Research Data Alliance, liaison with the RDA WG/IG implied in DCP and related items
  • Technology reviews concerning all aspects of curation and preservation (metadata, provenance, data integrity, media migration, replication, disaster recovery, assessment criteria, etc.)
  • Data preservation, TRUST principles and certification
  • Providing FAIR data
The Interest Group is entitlement to produce white papers and/or to bring proposed actions to the attention of the IVOA Technical Coordination Group and IVOA Executive.


How to participate ?

  • Anyone interested in data curation and preservation is welcome to participate and to register to the mailing-list (archives) to receive the news.
  • The presentations and discussions are held during the semestrial IVOA meetings, do not hesitate to participate.

Resources and tools

This section is intended to gather resources and tools of interest in curation and data preservation.


Past initiatives

More details about our activities

Since the creation of the DCP Interest Group we had many presentations and discussions, please refer to the past meetings:

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Topic revision: r59 - 2022-08-17 - GillesLandais
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