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PDFpdf Char2Pune.pdf r1 manage 175.6 K 2011-10-21 - 10:24 FrancoisBonnarel Characterisation 2 status and scheduling
PowerPointppt IVOA_Pune_2011_PhotDM_JSalgado.ppt r1 manage 3552.5 K 2011-10-18 - 04:01 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf IVOA_Pune_2011_utypes_JSalgado.pdf r1 manage 117.1 K 2011-10-20 - 09:37 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf IvoaPuneDM.pdf r1 manage 203.3 K 2011-10-18 - 05:34 OmarLaurino  
PDFpdf IvoaPuneUtypes.pdf r1 manage 202.6 K 2011-10-19 - 06:10 OmarLaurino  
PDFpdf LessonsLearntDM.pdf r1 manage 128.7 K 2011-10-20 - 09:16 MireilleLouys lessons learnt in Data modeling
Unknown file formatpptx LessonsLearntDM.pptx r1 manage 82.5 K 2011-10-20 - 07:32 MireilleLouys lessons learnt in Data modeling
PDFpdf PuneCharDM.pdf r1 manage 2346.6 K 2011-10-20 - 06:40 JoseEnriqueRuiz  
PDFpdf UtypesIntheIVOA-Oct2011.pdf r1 manage 475.4 K 2011-10-19 - 07:22 MireilleLouys Historical review on Utypes
PDFpdf char2_usecases.pdf r1 manage 361.1 K 2011-10-21 - 10:27 FrancoisBonnarel Use casesfor characterisation 2 level 4
PDFpdf spectrum-1.2-pune.pdf r1 manage 490.9 K 2011-10-18 - 05:35 DougTody Spectrum 1.2 and SED DM status and current issues
PDFpdf utypeQuery.pdf r1 manage 743.4 K 2011-10-19 - 05:58 FrancoisBonnarel Querying using utypes
PDFpdf vizphotom.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 2042.5 K 2011-10-20 - 04:14 MarkAllen  
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Topic revision: r26 - 2021-04-13 - GiuliaIafrate
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