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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt Aladin5.ppt r1 manage 5124.5 K 2008-05-21 - 09:50 PierreFernique Aladin 5 VO related improvements (PPT)
PDFpdf Plastic_firefox.pdf r1 manage 68.1 K 2008-05-20 - 09:34 SebastienDerriere Slides for firefox PLASTIC presentation
PowerPointppt PortalIVAOTrieste.ppt r1 manage 3910.5 K 2008-05-20 - 07:12 TomMcGlynn  
PDFpdf SAMP_doc_overview.pdf r1 manage 711.6 K 2008-05-20 - 13:15 ThomasBoch SAMP document overview (.pdf)
PowerPointppt SAMP_doc_overview.ppt r1 manage 339.0 K 2008-05-20 - 12:58 ThomasBoch SAMP document overview (.ppt)
PDFpdf appsamp.pdf r2 r1 manage 116.5 K 2008-05-21 - 09:54 MarkTaylor Slides for discussion of SAMP status and issues
PowerPointppt astrobox_ivoa0819.ppt r2 r1 manage 2928.5 K 2008-05-20 - 15:03 ChenzhouCui Slides for MatLab AstroBox
PDFpdf galmer_ivoa.pdf r1 manage 101.6 K 2008-05-27 - 15:14 IgorChilingarian Horizon GalMer Database: value-added services
PowerPointppt iPortal.ppt r2 r1 manage 1729.5 K 2008-05-22 - 13:44 MikeFitzpatrick VO for Mobile Devices (PPT)
PowerPointppt samp_mtypes.ppt r1 manage 28.5 K 2008-05-21 - 09:26 MikeFitzpatrick SAMP Mtype Issue Overview
PDFpdf vodesktop.pdf r1 manage 523.3 K 2008-05-20 - 10:23 MarkTaylor  
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Topic revision: r33 - 2008-06-09 - RoyWilliams
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