IVOA Interoperability Meeting
14-19 May 2006: Victoria, Canada
Theory Sessions
The goal of the theory sessions is to get work done.
Therefore the emphasis will be on discussing the developments so far: the use cases and proposals derived form this. The first two sessions will set the stage for the rest of the week where hopefully we will be able to organise smaller meetings in which the various issues will be discussed in more detail. The results of these will be summarized and discussed in the third session and presented to the plenary meeting on Friday.
Agenda of sessions I and II (15 May, 14:00-15:30, 16:00-17:30)
- Overview and plans (GL)
- Summary Cambridge theory VO workshop (Laurie Shaw) - see page at CambridgeTheoryWorkshopFeb06
- Summary France VO theory workshop (Herve Wozniak) - see meeting page
- Summary use cases (GL)
- Discussion use cases(All)
- Registry for theorists (Ray Plante)
- Characterisation for theorists (Mireille Louys)
- UCDs for theorists: computation namespace (Laurie Shaw)
- SSAP for theorists: TSAP (Pedro Osuna)
- DAL for theorists: Implementation of the SNAP service for the TVO (Claudio Gheller)
- Plans and working orders
Break out sessions, materials
- UCDs
- Data formats
- ASCII, HDF-5 or other
- translator codelets
- Metadata
- requirements: discovery, analysis ?
- characterisation
- provenance: code
- physics: objects, theory
Agenda of session III (18 May, 11:00-12:30)
- Discussion