---+ TCG Interop Mtg - Sun, May 19 2024 @ 10am - 3:30pm Local Time (UTC+10) --- %TOC% * _Attendees_ : Janet, Rafael, Pierre LS, Adrian, Baptiste, Simon, Steve, Pat, Mathieu, Mark CD, James, Grégory, Hendrik (remote), Yihan, Jesus, Marco, François, Anne, Renaud (remote), Sara (remote), Tess, Francesca * _Regrets_ : ---++ <a name="Agenda"></a>Agenda *(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)* * Session logistics: * Figure out break times and lunch time * [[InterOpMay2024][https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2024]] * Review/Vote of open Recs/Errata/Endorsed Note * *VEP-014 approved* * *SSA Errata 3 and 5 approved* * *heads up for the existing RFCs: RegTAP and VOTable* * P3T -- Overview from 2 day workshop and how it affects TCG/IVOA overall * *overview, report and open discussion, follow up at P3T session* * For each Working/Interest group; Rather than reviewing Roadmap, answer: * What is your highest priotity as the Chair of your WG/IG?? * What do you want to accomplish and what is getting in your way to do it?? * What's coming forward from your group in the next 6 months that has your focus or others in your group? * *extensive report and discussion among groups* * For GWS - Migration of name from GWS to DSP * *re-branding ideintified, needs to be brought at Exec attention* * Obscore extensions - how to handle them - Team wide discussion * Documentation Hackathon - Wednesday * We encourage TCG to be engaged - we know the system best!! * Making the IVOA pages accurate and more accessible to Developers & Scientists * Intro slides and worksheets : <a href="https://tinyurl.com/3x9jtvdy" target="_blank">https://tinyurl.com/3x9jtvdy</a> * Ensure pointers to software are categorized ... really inerested in SW tools that community can use/adapt for developing interfaces * Small retrospective of last few years - Janet/Marco * AOB * Next TCG meeting via Zoom: * *TBD - 13:00 next slot* * IVOA Events page: [[IvoaEvents]] <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r11 - 2024-06-03 - MarcoMolinaro
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