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PDFpdf AliceSpeech.pdf r1 manage 1005.6 K 2020-08-31 - 09:11 HendriklHein EduIG presentation by Alice Cui
PDFpdf BGarcia-online-Education-2020.pdf r1 manage 8861.8 K 2020-08-31 - 09:10 HendriklHein EduIG presentatino by Beatrize Garcia
PDFpdf Deustua-IVOSEduGroup.pdf r1 manage 5072.6 K 2020-08-31 - 09:08 HendriklHein EduIG Presentation of Susana Deustua
PDFpdf Remote_teaching_from_Wuhan.pdf r1 manage 5747.8 K 2020-08-31 - 09:14 HendriklHein EduIG presentation by Cuilan Qiao
PDFpdf Remote_teaching_from_Wuhan_during_the_COVID19_Cuilan_Qiao.pdf r1 manage 5747.8 K 2020-08-31 - 09:11 HendriklHein EduIG presentation by Cuilan Qiao
PDFpdf VOV_EduIG_MCC.pdf r1 manage 1417.7 K 2020-08-31 - 09:13 HendriklHein EduIG presentation by Miriam Cortés Contreras, Francisco Jiminez-Esteban and Enrique Solano
PDFpdf Virtual_and_Remote_Programming_Roe_IVOA_EIG_Aug_2020.pdf r1 manage 2111.0 K 2020-08-31 - 09:09 HendriklHein EduIG Presentation by Corrie Row
PDFpdf virtual_teaching.pdf r1 manage 1964.6 K 2020-08-31 - 09:12 HendriklHein EduIG presentation by Priya Hasan

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaInteropPOC > InterOpMay2020 > EducationInterestGroupFirstVirtualMeeting
Topic revision: r11 - 2020-08-31 - HendriklHein
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