Difference: STC-1_33-Erratum-2 (1 vs. 4)

Revision 42019-05-08 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="STC-1_33-Errata"

STC-1.33 Erratum 2:

Author: DM WG

Date last changed: 2018-11-18

Date accepted:
Date accepted:2019-04-16


This erratum is to correct an error reported at the IVOA interop in Victoria, BC: May 2018

Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) states:"The inside of the region is defined as that part of coordinate space that is encircled by the polygon in a counter-clockwise sense. What this means is that, in a plane, if A > 0, the “inside” of the polygon is included; if A < 0, the “outside” is selected. On a sphere with a left-handed (celestial) coordinate system, if A > 0, one has identified the inside of the polygon; if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π − A
The incorrect text is shown in bold text:
This is also wrong because if A < 0 then 4*pi – A is > 4*pi, and that cannot be.

The correct text is:
"if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π + A

Erratum Content

Original Wording

  • Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) : if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π − A .

New Wording

  • Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) : if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π + A

Impact Assessment

  • Software using the wrong formula must be updated



Revision 32018-12-20 - LaurentMichel

META TOPICPARENT name="STC-1_33-Errata"

STC-1.33 Erratum 2:

Author: DM WG

Date last changed: 2018-11-18

Date accepted:


This erratum is to correct an error reported at the IVOA interop in Victoria, BC: May 2018

Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) states:"The inside of the region is defined as that part of coordinate space that is encircled by the polygon in a counter-clockwise sense. What this means is that, in a plane, if A > 0, the “inside” of the polygon is included; if A < 0, the “outside” is selected. On a sphere with a left-handed (celestial) coordinate system, if A > 0, one has identified the inside of the polygon; if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π − A
The incorrect text is shown in bold text:
This is also wrong because if A < 0 then 4*pi – A is > 4*pi, and that cannot be.

The correct text is:
"if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π + A
Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) states:"The inside of the region is defined as that part of coordinate space that is encircled by the polygon in a counter-clockwise sense. What this means is that, in a plane, if A > 0, the “inside” of the polygon is included; if A < 0, the “outside” is selected. On a sphere with a left-handed (celestial) coordinate system, if A > 0, one has identified the inside of the polygon; if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π − A
The incorrect text is shown in bold text:
This is also wrong because if A < 0 then 4*pi – A is > 4*pi, and that cannot be.

The correct text is:
"if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π + A

Erratum Content

Original Wording

  • Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) : if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π − A .

New Wording

  • Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) : if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π + A

Impact Assessment

  • Software using the wrong formula must be updated



Revision 22018-12-19 - LaurentMichel

META TOPICPARENT name="STC-1_33-Errata"

STC-1.33 Erratum 2:


STC-1.33 Erratum 2:

  Author: DM WG

Date last changed: 2018-11-18

Date accepted:





  This erratum is to correct an error reported at the IVOA interop in Victoria, BC: May 2018

Erratum Content

Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) states:
"The inside of the region is defined as that part of coordinate space that is encircled by the polygon in a counter-clockwise sense. What this means is that, in a plane, if A > 0, the “inside” of the polygon is included; if A < 0, the “outside” is selected. On a sphere with a left-handed (celestial) coordinate system, if A > 0, one has identified the inside of the polygon; if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π − A . "
Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) states:"The inside of the region is defined as that part of coordinate space that is encircled by the polygon in a counter-clockwise sense. What this means is that, in a plane, if A > 0, the “inside” of the polygon is included; if A < 0, the “outside” is selected. On a sphere with a left-handed (celestial) coordinate system, if A > 0, one has identified the inside of the polygon; if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π − A
The incorrect text is shown in bold text:
This is also wrong because if A < 0 then 4*pi – A is > 4*pi, and that cannot be.

The correct text is:
"if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π + A
The incorrect text is shown in bold text:

Erratum Content


Original Wording

  • Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) : if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π − A .
This is also wrong because if A < 0 then 4*pi – A is > 4*pi, and that cannot be.

The correct text is:


New Wording

  • Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) : if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π + A

Impact Assessment

  • Software using the wrong formula must be updated


"if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π + A "

Impact Assessment



Revision 12018-11-18 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="STC-1_33-Errata"

STC-1.33 Erratum 2:

Author: DM WG

Date last changed: 2018-11-18

Date accepted:


This erratum is to correct an error reported at the IVOA interop in Victoria, BC: May 2018

Erratum Content

Section (pg 30-31: Region.Polygon) states:

"The inside of the region is defined as that part of coordinate space that is encircled by the polygon in a counter-clockwise sense. What this means is that, in a plane, if A > 0, the “inside” of the polygon is included; if A < 0, the “outside” is selected. On a sphere with a left-handed (celestial) coordinate system, if A > 0, one has identified the inside of the polygon; if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π − A . "

The incorrect text is shown in bold text:

This is also wrong because if A < 0 then 4*pi – A is > 4*pi, and that cannot be.

The correct text is:

"if A < 0, one used the “outside” angles of the polygon and the area is really 4π + A "

Impact Assessment


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