Difference: InterOpMay2011TCG (27 vs. 28)

Revision 282011-05-16 - ChristopheArviset

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2011"

IVOA Technical Coordination Meeting

May 15, 2011: Naples, Italy

Local Arrangements

The meeting will be held at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Via Moiariello 16, Napoli, approximately 7 km by car from the InterOp meeting venue. The Observatory is difficult to get to by public transportation so travel by taxi is recommended (specify "Capodimonte", otherwise the taxi driver might take you to the "Osservatorio Vesuviano", a volcanology observatory). At the Entrance you will be guided to the main building which contains the meeting rooms.

Coffee breaks are being supplied by the Observatory. For lunch, there is a pizza restaurant 30m from the Observatory, or others a little bit more distant (about 15 minutes walking).


(Temopary) Resulting updated IVOA Architecture Diagrams


Meeting Minutes and Actions

Minutes and actions can be found HERE (PDF)

(Temporary) Resulting updated IVOA Architecture Diagrams

 Source file for the updated overall and individual standards can be found HERE (PPT)

Meeting Agenda

Time Topic Notes
09.30–09.45 Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives  
09.45–10.00 Reminder of IVOA Recommendation Process (Christophe)  
10.00–11.00 Overall IVOA Architecture Review (Christophe)  
11.00–11.30 Break
11.30–12.30 Architecture for Standards in REC process (10' each)  
  VOEvent 2.0 - Rob  
  Obs Core DM - Mireille  
  Sim DM - Herve  
  SSAP/SpectrumDM 1.1 - Pat/Mireille  
  StandardsRegExt - Gretchen  
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14.00–15.30 Architecture for Standards in Roadmap (5-10' each)  
  SAMP 1.3 - Mark  
  Phot DM - Jesus  
  Char DM - Mireille  
  Utypes - Mireille  
  VOSpace 2.0 - Matthew  
  TAPRegExt - Gretchen  
  DALI - Pat  
  PQL - Pat  
  Time Series Access Protocol - Pat  
  Simple Light Curve Access Protocol - Rob  
  Units - Sebastien .pdf
  SSAP/SpectrumDM 1.2 - Pat/Mireille  
  Simple Event Access Protocol - Rob  
  VOEventRegExt - Matthew  
15.30–16.30 Updates on existing IVOA REC standards ?  
  Include IVOA Architecture ?  
  Reflect interdependencies with other IVOA (old and new) standards ?  
  Feedback from implementations ?  
16.30–17.00 Break
17.00–19.00 Exec meeeting  

Meeting Report given to the IVOA Exec


Name WG/IG Present If you are interested in sharing a taxi, add the name of your hotel
Christophe TCG Y Royal Continental
Séverin TCG Y Transatlantico
Paolo Exec Y Chiaja Hotel de Charme
Ajit Exec N  
Tom Apps N  
Mark T. Apps Y Hotel Rex
Pat DAL Y Hotel Transatlantico
Mike DAL Y Hotel Rex
Mireille DM Y Hotel Rex
Jesus DM Y Royal Continental
Matthew GWS Y Chiaja Hotel de Charme
Paul GWS Y Hotel Rex
Gretchen Registry Y Royal Continental
Pierre Registry Y  
Sébastien Semantics Y Transatlantico
Norman Semantics Y La Concordia
Hervé Theory Y Hotel Rex
Claudio Theory N  
Rob VOEvent Y Hotel Rex
Roy VOEvent N  
Françoise Standards Cttee N  
Alberto DCP N  
Pepe KDD Y  


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1305452316" name="DAL-TCG.pdf" path="DAL-TCG.pdf" size="66370" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Units in the IVOA Architecture" date="1305454734" name="TCG-20110515_Units.pdf" path="TCG-20110515_Units.pdf" size="237760" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1305526643" name="20110515VOArchitecture-IVOAStandards.ppt" path="20110515VOArchitecture-IVOAStandards.ppt" size="1064960" user="ChristopheArviset" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1305526723" name="VOEvent_TCG_20110515.ppt" path="VOEvent_TCG_20110515.ppt" size="573952" user="ChristopheArviset" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1305574544" name="20110515TCGMeeting.pdf" path="20110515TCGMeeting.pdf" size="21285" user="ChristopheArviset" version="1.1"
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