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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 21:22 (GMT)

IVOA Roadmap for 2023A This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the May 2023 and Nov 2023 Interops...
IVOA Roadmap for 2023B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2023 and May 2024 Interops...
ADQL 2.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments ADQL defines an SQL like grammar adapted for astronomical purpose. It is especially used by the TAP (Table...
ADQL function names The ADQL standard itself does not impose any restrictions on the names that may be used for user defined functions. To avoid name collisions when...
Alberto Conti Space Telescope Science Institute 3700 San Martin Drive Baltimore, MD 21218 USA conti at stsci dot edu Tel: 1 (410) 338 4534 Fax: 1 (410) 338...
Name: Anthony Rogers Email: rogers #64; Company Name: Space Telescope Science Institute Company URL: Telephone:...
Name: Bob Hanisch Email: hanisch #64; Company Name: STScI/NVO Project Company URL: http://us Telephone: 1 410 338 4910...
Name: Carol Christian Email: carolc #64; Company Name: STScI Company URL: Telephone: 410 338 4764 Fax:...
Data Access Layer Thursday, October 16, 4:30 6:30, Observatoire (Amphi) ACCOMAZZI Alberto Harvard SAO, CfA, USA ACKERMAN Mark University of Michigan, USA...
Use of DataCite DOIs for Citing Astronomical Data Arnold Rots, Raffaele D`Abrusco, Sherry Winkelman Now that data citation has become a mature and accepted concept...
Data Models Thursday, October 16, 11:00 13:00, Observatoire (Amphi) BANDAY Tony MPI Astrop., Garching, D BARNES David Sch. Phys., Melbourne, AUS BERRY David...
Datalink v1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA Datalink Proposed Recommendation. Latest version of the IVOA Datalink...
IVOA Distributed Services and Protocols (DSP) Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon...
Facilities and Instruments Description framework Existing Initiatives For specific scientific domains: Initiatives gathered at VOParis Data center Baptiste Cecconi...
Footprint Access Protocol (FAP) Contents This page is for posting materials and links relevant to the development of a standard footprint access protocol. Documents...
In attendance: Brian Major Giuliano Taffoni Sara Bertocco Tom Donaldson From OATS/INAF: For the Euclid project, the choice has been mode to...
The Registry is the collection of metadata on the services in the Virtual Observatory. See IvoaResReg for more information about why you want your service in. Registering...
Name: GretchenGreene Email: greene #64; Company Name: STScI Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country...
Registry Interface Working Draft Discussion Topic Should we add a harvestFrom attribute to the VOResource schema? Both the STScI registry and Carnivore use an...
Harvesting Issues This page collects discussion of various harvesting issues. Status of OAI Compliance Many of us with registries are using the OAI Explorer, http...
HiPS 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA HiPS 1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the HiPS specification...
How to make your TAP tables discoverable Who should read this? This is mainly for operators of TAP services publishing more than one data collection in one service...
IVOA History Interop and Other Key Meetings Month/Year Location (Host) 6/2000 Pasadena, CA (Caltech), Virtual Observatories of the Future 8/...
June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Participants List Backlinks to website Programme page List of participants Name Surname Affiliation...
List of Attendees to the Inter Op Meeting, IoA, Cambridge, UK, May 12 16 2003. As of the list stands at 69 folk: name institute arrival date departure...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 24 28 May 2004: CfA, Cambridge, Mass., USA Second Announcement (1 Apr 2004) Registration and full meeting details...
InterOpMay2004 Plenary Sessions Timetable May 24, 2004 Time Work Pkg Content Leader 9.30 Welcome Rick Harnden 9.40 Workshop...
InterOpMay2004 Registry Preliminary Reading Papers or wiki pages that people ought to read before the sessions above: Metadata Specification v1.01...
Debatable Issues for May Interop meeting on Registry in Kyoto: TERMS? This is becoming a big subject lately. Application Extension? Again Applications...
Jumps: mail archive :: IvoaResReg :: RegistryInterface :: VOResourceV10 :: RegUpgradeToV10 Meetings: InterOpMay2006ResReg :: InterOpSep2006ResReg Interoperability...
Jumps: IvoaResReg :: mail archive :: ResourceMetadata :: VOResource :: VODataService :: RegistryInterface Meetings: InterOpMay2008ResReg :: InterOpSep2007ResReg...
Carpooling Options Are you interested in carpooling from one of the airports to the Interop in Urbana? Are you renting a car and willing to offer someone a ride?...
CSP session on astropy IVOA synergies v2.0 30/05/2018 Time Speaker Title Duration Materials 09:00 Tom Donaldson (STScI) Community Engagement...
DAL Sessions Schedule IVOA May 2023 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC...
Applications Working Group : May 2024 back to main programme page Schedule Applications Session 1: Monday May 20 2023 @ 16:00 17:30 (Session #1) Room C...
IVOA Interoperability Meeting October 17, 2002 Baltimore, Maryland USA (after ADASS XII)
IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003 16 17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France day time participants meeting page Thursday...
Interoperability meeting (16 17 Oct. 2003): List of Participants (12 October 2003, 08:00 am, Strasbourg time) If you wish to register for the meeting, please DO...
This page will hold presentations, discussions and results of the Registry WG meeting at InterOpOct2003. Presentations Day 1: TonyLinde: introduction, agenda...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 26 31 October, 2008: Baltimore, Maryland, USA Meeting Web site Detailed information is available at meeting webpage. Webcast...
October 2016 (Northern Fall) Interop Meeting Participants List Backlinks to Programme page A better resolution photo is available HERE. N family name...
DAL Sessions Schedule IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 07:...
List of Attendees to IVOA.InterOpSep2007 As of 20070926 the list stands at 118 persons: name institute arrival date departure date comments...
GWS Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, studies and discussions. GWS Session...
IVOA Events Upcoming: Next Interoperability Meeting 1 6 June 2025 UMD (under preparation) Next Exec meeting TBD Next TCG meeting 7 April...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM17) Joint with TCC Weds Oct 5 2005 @ 19.00 21.30 Local Time (El Escorial) Contents Logistics The Exec meeting will...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM19) Weds May 17 2006 @ 12.30 14.30 Local Time (Victoria, Canada) Contents Logistics Agenda 1 Roll Call and Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM30 Supplementary) Wednesday 29 October 12:00 13:30 EDT Contents Logistics Full Meeting at InterOpOct2008 : Bloomberg...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM38) Monday December 6 @ 17.00 19.00 Supplementary: Thursday December 9 @ 12.30 14.00 Contents Logistics Monday meeting...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM40) Sunday May 15 @ 17.00 19:00 CET Supplementary: Wednesday May 18 @ 13:00 14.30 Contents Logistics Sunday meeting at...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM66) FM66 Thu, 20 Oct 2016 14:00 CEST Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM66) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM69) FM69 Sun, 14 May 2017 16:00 CST (08:00 UTC), Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) FM69S Wed, 17 May 2017...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM73) FM73 Thu, 26 Oct 2017 14:00 (local time)/(17:00 UTC) Sheraton Convention Center Room: O`Higgins Contents IVOA...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM84) FM84 May 12 2019 4 6pm local time Salle du Conseil ( note Wednesday meeting has its own Agenda page FM84S) Access...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM21) Tues Dec 5 2006 @ 15.00 16.30 GMT Contents Logistics Telecon: Check email from Bob Hanisch 27 Nov 2006 let him know...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM35) Tues Mar 2 2010 @ 16.00 GMT Contents Logistics Telecon: Agenda 1. Roll Call and Agenda (MA) 2. of FM34 Suppl.,...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM41) Tuesday August 30 @ 17.00 19:00 CET Contents Logistics Telecon DRAFT Agenda T41 1. Roll Call and Agenda (MA) 2....
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM68) TM68 Tue, 07 Mar 2017 15:00 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM68) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Grid Web Services Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon, AndreSchaaff...
IVOA Executive Reports Minutes The IVOA have ~tri monthly telecons and also meets during major international meetings. The contact persons for the projects...
IVOA Resource Registry Working Group Home Contents Current Activity TAP Service Operators: Please take up Discovering Data Collections so your tables can...
IVOA Time Domain Interest Group Working Group Chair: Rafael Martinez Galarza Vice Chair: Pierre Fernique Chairs Emeritus: Ada Nebot, Roy Williams, Rob Seaman, Matthew...
IVOA Query Language (historic pages) New VOQL group pages If you are interested in participating in the definition of the VO Query Language, you are invited to...
Time Series and Light Curves This page is for posting materials and links relevant to the exchange of light curve data. Documents The following documents develop...
Home IVOA Interop May 2010 Participants UPDATED: 2010.05.18 Click on column heading to sort Name Institution Allen, Mark Observatoire de...
Photometry Data Model 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Introduction PHOTDM v1.1 is a revision of `PhotDM v1.0`, redesigned to follow the rules and...
SPECIAL SESSION AT PRAGUE IAU G.A. Status Report Andy Lawrence 2006 01 13 Return to VoPraguePlanning page This report is an update for both the Scientific Organising...
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (Nov 17 19, 2020 needs confirmation) Meeting web link: nov 2020 Program link:...
Participant List IVOA Interop May 2018 Participants An updated list of attendees can be found below: UPDATED: 2018.05.15 Click on column heading...
RegTAP 1.1 Erratum 1: No Case Folding for table name Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2021 08 30 Date accepted: 2021 10 13 Rationale Table names in the...
Request for Comment: RegTAP v1.0 This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `Registry Relational Schema, Version 1.0`. The version...
RegTAP 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary Registries provide a mechanism with which VO applications can discover and select resources first...
Discussion of Best Practices for Registering Resources Please add your comments: Please add your discussion at the end of the Comments/Discussion section...
Registry Working Group Kickoff Meeting: London: 19 20 March, 2003 Contents: Registration Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003 Agenda Date...
Registry Tutorial at ADASS XIII Using the NVO Registry WebService from Java and C# Below I briefly describe how to make a simple client for the registry prototype...
Registry Search Recommendations This section is intended for application developers that wish to incorporate registry searches into their applications. In particular...
Registry Interface Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `IVOA Registry Interfaces...
Status on 2012 07 11 When harvesting all the publishing registries declared in the registry of registries, some resources are declared twice. 1. Extract the list...
Registries Thursday, October 16, 11:00 13:00, ISIS ACCOMAZZI Alberto Harvard SAO, CfA, USA ACKERMAN Mark Univ. of Michigan, USA ALLEN Mark G. CDS, Obs....
Teleconference via Harvard Smithsonian Webex, 2019 06 13 Attendees: Christophe Arviset, Markus Demleitner, Theresa Dower, Juan Gonzales, Costas Vrioni, (Menelaus Perdikas...
Resource Metadata RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Metadata V1.0 Proposed Recommendation. In order to add a comment to the document, please edit...
STC version 2.0 Goal Why STC 2.0? Version 1 of STC was developed in 2007, prior to the development and adoption of vo dml modeling practices. As we progress to...
SAMP Software This page lists released and experimental software which is known to use the SAMP protocol. Please amend the list if you have more up to date information...
My Links ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete...
SLAP RFC Discussion TCG Review period: 12th May 11th June See the PR latest revised version at: July 20,...
Spectrum Data Model RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Data Model 1.01 Proposed Recommendation. Review period: 16 May 2007 to 12 Jun 2007 (still open...
Simple Spectral Access RFC The RFC period for SSA V1.0 is closed. About this RFC This document acted as RFC centre for the Simple Spectrum Access Protocol. Comments...
Survey among Spectral Data Providers and Consumers At the IVOA meeting in Cambridge in May, one of the highest priority projects identified for the DAL working group...
Table Access Discussions Meeting to discuss the Table Access Protocol (TAP) JHU, Nov 19 20 2007 Present in Baltimore: John Good, Bob Hanisch, Keith Noddle, Francois...
Scope and Role of TAP Parameter Query Introduction First some history. Back when we began discussing TAP a couple of years ago, it was agreed that TAP should be...
Name: Theresa Dower Email: dower #64; Company Name: STScI Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: USA...
My Links ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete...
UCDs Thursday, October 16, 2:00 4:00, Observatoire (Amphi) BOCH Thomas CDS, Obs. Strasbourg, F BONNAREL Fran...
VO Data Modeling Language Specification Current REC: VO DML: a consistent modelling language for IVOA data models (docx, pdf, The tooling and document...
VO Science in Prague : Scientific Organising Committee Andy Lawrence (chair SOC) UK al #64; Masatoshi Ohishi Japan masatoshi.ohishi #64;nao...
VO Science in Prague : Keynote Speakers PROVISIONAL The following people have provisionally agreed to provide keynote talks. The final list will be confirmed in...
VO Special Session for IAU Prague August 2006 Working Documents in planning phase Update Reports Report to IVOA Exec October 2005 Report to SOC and IVOA Exec January...
VO Special Session for IAU Prague August 2006 Working Documents in proposal preparation phase for the Scientific Organising Committee The top level page for our proposed...
VOTable Thursday, October 16, 11:00 13:00, Observatoire (Salle de Cours) ADORF Hans Martin MPI Extr. Phys., Garching, D ALLAN Alasdair eSTAR, Uni. of Exeter, UK...
VOQL Thursday, October 16, 4:30 6:30, ISIS ADORF Hans Martin MPI Extr. Phys., Garching, D ALLAN Alasdair eSTAR, Uni. of Exeter, UK ARVISET Christophe ESA RSSD...
Web/Grid services Thursday, November 16, 2:00 4:00, ISIS ACCOMAZZI Alberto Harvard SAO, CfA, USA ACKERMAN Mark University of Michigan, USA ADORF Hans Martin...
is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.IVOA web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have...
IVOA Member Organizations Acronym VO Project/Country Primary Contact NOVA Virtual Observatory Gurovich ArVO Virtual Observatory...
Who`s Coming To Registry19032003 This is the registration page for the Registry Kickoff meeting to be held in London 19 20th March 2003. It is in two sections...
Number of topics: 104

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