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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 08:44 (GMT)

DALI 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This is the RFC page for DALI 1.1. As per the abstract: DALI defines the base web service interface common to...
Overview of SQL datataypes based on SQL 2003 (as it seems most extensive). `o` in column implies it exists also in other SQL versions, is anticipated by ADQL through...
IVOA Interoperability 2003 12 16 May 2003: IoA, Cambridge, UK These pages are rapidly evolving so please re check them for updated agendas etc Registration closed...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 24 28 May 2004: CfA, Cambridge, Mass., USA Second Announcement (1 Apr 2004) Registration and full meeting details...
InterOpMay2004 VOTable Timetable Monday May 24, 2004 Review of the VOTable1.1 definitions , aiming at an IVOA Recommendation Latest version to be discussed:...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 16 20 May 2005: International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan Meeting Web site Detailed information is available at meeting web...
IVOA May 2006 Interoperability Meeting 14 19 May 2006 Meeting Web site Detailed information is available at meeting webpage. Tips for Victoria Programme...
VOTable Session Thursday 28 May, 14:00 15:30 (amphitheatre) Despite of the announcement that the Baltimore session in October 2008 would be the last one of the VOTable...
IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003 16 17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France day time participants meeting page Thursday...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 6 7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain Meeting Web site Registration and additional information is available on the local web site...
VOTable Session Thursday 30 October, 10:30 12:00 This session should be the last session of the VOTable Working Group. The topics to be discussed at this session...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 27 29 Sep. 2004: IUCAA, Pune, India Small Projects Meeting, 30 Sep. 1 Oct.: IUCAA, Pune, India Programme (21 Sep 2004) Date...
IVOA Interoperability Meeting Moscow, Russia, 18 20 September 2006 VOTable session VOTable Session Tuesday morning 09:00 10:30 presented at the meeting...
IVOA Interoperability September 2007 27 28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK Conference Photo: .jpg News 20070927: GWS 2/DAL 2 session swap session...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group This Committee is formed by the Chairs of the Working and Interest Groups and includes the IVOA chairs and vice chairs. TCG Charter...
Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information. (created by TonyLinde ) Similar to IvoaVOTable, this is a data exchange document, in this case returning...
VOTable1.2: Request for Comments An ammended version PR VOTable 1.2 20090929.pdf PR VOTable 1.2 20091102.pdf was produced following your comments on this RFC page...
The Virtual Observatory Data eXchange format will define a data model based data exchange mechanism which will make automated workflows possible. The main goals of...
VOEvent v2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC center for the VOEvent V2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Specification at http...
VOTable RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the VOTable V1.1 Proposed Recommendation ( note: this document is not yet available from the IVOA Documents...
VOTable Software Tools to manage/manipulate data in VOTable format VOtable format and documents IvoaVOTable Parsers Java Name Description...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Number of topics: 22

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