TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaVOEvent>VoeventWorkshop (revision 3)EditAttach

VOEvent Workshop

April 13 and 14, Pasadena, California

Location: CACR, California Institute of Technology


Please send email to Roy Williams (


A block of rooms has been reserved for the nights of April 12 and 13 at the Caltech Athenaeum, at a room rate of $99/night. To make a reservation, please call the Athenaeum at 626-395-8200 by March 12, 2005, and reference the VOEvent Workshop.


  • Define scope and reach a consensus on the semantic content of a discovery/followup message for an immediate sky event. This will be based on the existing draft at the IVOA Twiki.
  • Consideration of serializing such a message into XML components, with re-use of existing schema where relevant.
  • Discussions of the language by which clients could subscribe to a VOEvent server, with fine control over which messages are to be received.
  • Discuassions of database and transport technologies for carrying VOEvent messages.
  • Consideration of how existing systems could have a VOEvent capability added with maximal functionality and minimal effort.
  • Finding volunteers to set up prototype systems.

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Topic revision: r3 - 2005-02-22 - MarcoLeoni
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