<H1>VO Special Session for IAU Prague </H1> <H2>August 2006</H2> <H1>Working Documents in planning phase</H1> <H2>Update Reports</H2> [[IVOA.IvoaExecMeetingFM17#Report_on_Prague_Developments][Report to IVOA Exec October 2005]] [[PragueReportJan06][Report to SOC and IVOA Exec January 2006]] [[PragueReportMay06][Report to SOC and IVOA Exec May 2006]] ---++ S.O.C. Membership | Andy Lawrence (chair SOC) | UK | al@roe.ac.uk | | Masatoshi Ohishi | Japan | masatoshi.ohishi.nao.ac.jp | | Francoise Genova | France | genova@cluster.u-strasbg.fr | | Ray Norris | Australia | Ray.Norris@csiro.au | | Attila Meszaros | Czech Republic | meszaros.cesnet.cz | | Robert Hanisch | USA | hanisch@stsci.edu | | Peter Quinn | Germany | pjq@eso.org | | Alexander Szalay | USA | szalay@pha.jhu.edu | | Nicholas Walton | UK | naw@ast.cam.ac.uk | | Oleg Malkov | Russia | malkov@inasan.ru | | Ajit Khembhavi | India | akk@iucaa.ernet.in | | Roy Williams | USA | roy@cacr.caltech.edu | | Giuseppina Fabbiano | USA | pepi@head-cfa.harvard.edu | | Yongheng Zhao | China | yzhao@lamost.bao.ac.cn | | Isabelle Scholl | France | scholl@isu.isunet.edu | | Enrique Solano | Spain | Enrique.Solano@esa.int | ---++ Planning Timeline To be done | *DATE* | *ITEM* | *STATUS* | | 2005 May | sharpen pencils | EASY | | 2005 Jun | set up planning page | DONE | | 2005 Jul | draft revised programme | | | 2005 Jul | start approaching speakers | | | 2006 Aug | run conference, drink beer | | etc etc. Tasks in no particular order : * set up conference web site * advertise conference * set up and liaise with LOC * issue call for papers * select papers * promote science results * schedule SOC telecons ---++ Revised programme We have 3.0 days as opposed to the requested 4.5 days, so need to cut down the planned programme. A draft revised programme is attached below. This includes a superset of keynote speakers proposed so far. We need to select a final list and some reserves. * [[%ATTACHURL%/new-prague-prog.pdf][Draft revised programme 2005-07-19]] ---++ Original proposal Here is the proposal as submitted in January 2005. * [[%ATTACHURL%/prague-proposal-final.doc][Final submitted version January 3rd 2005]] ---++ Useful Links [[http://www.iau.org/][IAU Home page]] [[http://www.astronomy2006.com/index.htm][Prague 2006 Home Page]] [[http://www.iau.org/IAU/Activities/meetings][IAU Science Meetings]] [[http://www.iau.org/IAU/News/SciProgram.html][IAU Science Programme]] <br><br><br> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r5 - 2006-05-15 - AndyLawrence
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