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SVO - ESAVO Use case: Comparison of evolutionary synthesis models


A user wants to compare the results given by different grids of evolutionary synthesis models (produced by different developers/groups) with observational data.

primary actor

Evolutionary synthesis model user

End result:

Plot by VOSpec of results of theoretical and real data.

Other actors:

- Evolutionary synthesis model server

- VO Registry

- VOSpec


1 Existence of a protocol (e.g. TSAP) that explores (using the "format=metadata" option) the parameter space of the theoretical grid of models (not known a priori).

Flow of events

All the information exchange between the synthesis model server and VOSpec is done using the TSAP protocol.

  1. User logins in VOSpec and selects the corresponding service.
  2. In response to the "format=metadata" query, the service sends a VOTable to VOSpec with the parameter space (and the associated valid values) that defines the grid of models.
  3. The user selects the desired parameters/values, and VOSpec send them back to the service.
  4. The service returns a VOTable with the results to be displayed by VOSpec. Depending on the server, the results can be obtained from a pre-computed grid of models or on-the-fly.
  5. The user chooses an spectroscopic observation with VOSpec.
  6. Models and observations are plotted and normalized to a common scale.


  1. Results provided in VOTable format

Basic assumptions

Synthesis models mix the results of two types of theoretical results: evolutionary tracks and atmosphere models.

Alternative flows

Open Issues

  1. How to evaluate if the resulting model (final product of a mathematical algorithm) has a physical meaning? Use of cautions, warnings etc...?

Originally sent by M. Cerviņo - 27 Sep 2005
Last modified: E. Solano - 29 Sep 2005
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Topic revision: r4 - 2005-09-30 - EnriqueSolano
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