TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaResReg>VOResource-1_1-Next (revision 2)EditAttach

VOResource 1.1 Next

Proposed changes and additions to VOResource. Changes would go to VOResource 1.2.

(this page for VOResource 1.0)

A serverSoftware child for interface?

Use cases:

  • Clients sometimes like to know which software they are talking to
  • Server software authors would like to know which versions of their software are still around.

Possible solution:

Add an (optional) serverSoftware child to vr:interface. Its contents would be a string, preferably of the form (name) (version).


Just use the server: field in the HTTP responses.

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Topic revision: r2 - 2019-09-11 - MarkusDemleitner
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