---++ VO Science in Prague : IAU General Assembly Our special session is part of the twenty-sixth General Assembly of the IAU, being held in Prague, during the period Aug 14-25 2006. All information about the General Assembly including other symposia and sessions, travel, accomodation, social programme, and so on can be found at the [[http://www.astronomy2006.com][General Assembly Web Pages]] Note that to register, and to submit abstracts for the VO conference, you must the General Assembly web pages. However, interested parties are welcome to contact any members of our [[VOPragueSOC][Scientific Organising Committee]] ---++ Further information * [[VoscienceIAUPrague][Home]] * [[VOPragueAims][Aims and Topics]] * [[VOPragueCall][Call for Papers]] * [[VOPragueDates][Key Dates]] * [[VOPragueSOC][Scientific organising Committee]] * [[VOPragueSpeakers][Keynote Speakers]] * [[VOPragueProceedings][Proceedings]] * [[VOPragueSP6][Special Session 6 on Astronomical Data Management]] * [[VOPragueIAU][IAU General Assembly]] * [[VOPragueVOlinks][VO projects]] <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2006-05-02 - AndyLawrence
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