This page will be the starting point for papers, Notes and proposed standards for an [[][XML Schema]]-based implementation of the [[IvoaDataModel][IVOA Data Model]] effort. One of the prime drivers for this effort is an attempt to derive a model-based data exchange (VODaX) alternative to VOTable. There has been sufficient work done on the DM to enable work to begin on this XSD representation of it. The main goals of this effort are: * to prototype xsd-based implementations of the DM * to proposed a standard schema for the DM which can be adopted by IVOA * to provide schema for derivatives of the model such as [[IvoaResReg][Registry]] schema and the VODaX format __NOTE:__ this effort is not intended in any way to conflict with the Data Model effort. Any required changes to the model should be proposed via the DM workgroup, not in this effort. This effort is solely tasked with trialling and proposing an xml schema-based implementation of the model.
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2004-05-20 - TonyLinde
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