<!-- write protect * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = TamasBudavari --> <table align="center" width="85%" border="0"> <tr><td> ---++ <a href="http://www.sdss.jhu.edu/~budavari/tamas/"><font color="#0000aa">Tamás Budavári</font></a> [[http://www.pha.jhu.edu][Dept. of Physics and Astronomy]]<br>[[http://www.jhu.edu][The Johns Hopkins University]]<br> 3400 N. Charles Street<br> Baltimore, MD 21218, USA<br> Tel: +1 410 516-0643<br> Fax: +1 410 516-5096<br> Email: budavari@jhu.edu </td></tr> </table> <!-- --------------------------------------- ---+++ What's New * New version of the [[http://voservices.net/filter][Filter Services]] released in April, 2004 * The [[http://www.voservices.org][voservices.org]] website launched in November, 2003 * [[http://voservices.net/wave][Spectrum and Bandpass Services]] released in October, 2003 * [[WebgridTutorial][VO Tutorial]] at [[http://www.adass.org/adass2003][ADASS 2003]] * [[http://www.skyquery.net][SkyQuery]] presented at [[http://adass.org/adass/proceedings/adass02/O10-1/][ADASS 2002]] -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r7 - 2007-10-04 - TamasBudavari
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