Plans for the science platform sessions at the 2023 May interop

So far we have 9 talks spread across 2 x 90min sessions. Allocation is random at the moment, apart from Vincente Navarro who has specifically asked to be in the second session.

If you have a talk you would like to present at one of these sessions please contact a member of the coordination team or post a message to one of the IVOA mailing lists.

I will contact all of the participants and request an abstract, then we can meet and discuss the schedule in more detail.

Coordination team

Add your name to this list of you want to part of the coordination team for these sessions

Session 1

Tess Jaffe - NASA Atrophysics Platform

Jesus Salgado - SKA science platform

Omar Laurino - CfA Nexus R&D

Stefano Russo - TDB

Simon O'Toole - AAO Central

Session 2

Vincente Navarro - ESA DataLabs (scheduling request)

Yunfei Xu - China-VO 3.0

Mario Juric - HiPS + parquet for publishing large datasets

Dave Morris - GaiaDMP

Unconfirmed : A talk from the Rubin Science Platform team, I'm checking on this.

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Topic revision: r3 - 2023-04-20 - JanetEvans
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