---+ !Server-side Operations for Data Access version 1.0 Proposed Erratum 2: Wrong VOTable syntax in polarization example Author: François Bonnarel Date last changed: 2023-01-20 Date accepted: 2023-04-05 ---++ Rationale In section 4.2, the VOTable excerpt given for the POL PARAM is written following a wrong syntax for the OPTION element. The value of this element is coded as a content of the element instead of as a value of the "value" attribute of the element. In addition the closing tag of the VALUES element is wrongly written <verbatim></VALUE></verbatim> instead of <verbatim></VALUES></verbatim> This bug orignally described on github in SODA issue #1 (https://github.com/ivoa-std/SODA/issues/1) ---++ Erratum Content This Erratum proposes following changes. ---++++ Fix VOTable syntax In [[http://ivoa.net/documents/SODA/20170517/REC-SODA-1.0.html#tth_sEc4.2][§4.2 "*SODA Service Descriptor from DataLink*"]] of !SODA-1.0, update the Polarization example OPTION tags in <verbatim><PARAM name="POL" ucd="meta.code;phys.polarization" datatype="char" arraysize="*" value=""> <DESCRIPTION>Polarization states to be extracted.</DESCRIPTION> <VALUES> <OPTION>I</OPTION> <OPTION>V</OPTION> </VALUE> </PARAM></verbatim> from <verbatim><OPTION>I</OPTION></verbatim> to <verbatim><OPTION value="I"/></verbatim> from <verbatim><OPTION>V</OPTION></verbatim> to <verbatim><OPTION value="V"/></verbatim> from <verbatim></VALUE></verbatim> to <verbatim></VALUES></verbatim> ---++ Impact Assessment Fixing the VOTable syntax in an example will make no harm to any service and will avoid implementers writng code delivering incorrect VOTables. <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r4 - 2023-04-05 - JamesDempsey
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