<small>Jumps: IvoaResReg :: [[http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/][registry mail archive]] :: [[http://rofr.ivoa.net][RofR]] :: [[RegistryOperations]] :: [[http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/SLAP/][SLAP standard]] <br> Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg </small> ---+!! Validation Tests: Simple Line Access %TOC{depth="3"}% ---++ Requirements These tests are drawn from "MUST" statements in the [[http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/SLAP/][SLAP standard]]. <a name="4.0"></a> *4.0* The value of the INFO element with name="QUERY_STATUS" of a response to a valid query must not be ERROR. <a name="5.1"></a> *5.1* The value of the INFO element with name="QUERY_STATUS" of a response to a metadata query must not be ERROR. <a name="5.1a"></a> *5.1a* The RESOURCE containing the results of a response to a metadata query must include PARAM elements with: * name="INPUT:WAVELENGTH" <a name="6.0.1a"></a> *6.0.1a* The VOTable response to any query must contain exactly one RESOURCE with type='results'. <a name="6.0.1b"></a> *6.0.1b* There must be exactly one TABLE in the RESOURCE containing the results of a response to a valid query. <a name="6.0.2a"></a> *6.0.2a* The RESOURCE containing the results of a response to any query must include one INFO element with name="QUERY_STATUS". <a name="6.1"></a> *6.1* The RESOURCE containing the results of a response to a valid query must include one FIELD / PARAM element with: * <a name="6.1a"></a> *6.1a* ucd="em.wl" // datatype="double" // arraysize="1" or "" or not provided * <a name="6.1b"></a> *6.1b* ucd="em.line" // datatype="char" // arraysize="*" ---++ Warnings These tests are drawn from strongly encouraged "SHOULD" statements in the [[http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/SLAP/][SLAP standard]]. <a name="4.2a"></a> *4.2a* The service must return a legal response without error to a legal data query that contains the "REQUEST=queryData" argument. <font color="red">(NI)</font> <a name="6.0.1c"></a> *6.0.1c* The RESOURCE containing the results of a response to any query should be the first RESOURCE element. <a name="6.1"></a> *6.1* The UCDs of the FIELDs / PARAMs of the RESOURCE containing the results of a response to a valid query should match the documented case. ---++ Recommendations These tests are drawn from other "SHOULD" statements in the [[http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/SLAP/][SLAP standard]]. <a name="5.1b"></a> *5.1b* The RESOURCE containing the results of a response to a metadata query should include PARAM elements for all supported INPUT parameters, not just the five compulsory ones. <a name="5.1c"></a> *5.1c* The PARAM elements for INPUT parameters in the RESOURCE containing the results of a response to a metadata query should have DESCRIPTIONs. <a name="6.1"></a> *6.1* The RESOURCE containing the results of a response to a valid query should include one FIELD / PARAM element with: * <a name="6.1d"></a> *6.1d* ucd="phys.atmol.element" // datatype="char" // arraysize="*" * <a name="6.1e"></a> *6.1e* ucd="phys.atmol.initial;phys.atmol.level" // datatype="char" // arraysize="*" * <a name="6.1f"></a> *6.1f* ucd="phys.atmol.final;phys.atmol.level" // datatype="char" // arraysize="*" <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2009-12-02 - RayPlante
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