---+ !Simple Image Access version 2.0 Erratum 1: POS=RANGE examples inconsistent with spec Author: François Bonnarel Date last changed: 2023-01-24 Date accepted: 2023-04-05 ---++ Rationale In section 2.1.1, two RANGE examples display RANGE limits with either Inf or -Inf, + Inf. This is inconsistent with the spec which states that RA is in [0, 360] and DEC in [-90,90] and that no RANGE reduction should be required from SIA services implementations. This bug orignally described on github in SIA issue #5 (https://github.com/ivoa-std/SIA/issues/5) ---++ Erratum Content This Erratum proposes following changes. ---++++ Fix RANGE syntax In [[http://ivoa.net/documents/SIA/20151223/REC-SIA-2.0-20151223.html#toc12][§2.1.1 "*POS*"]] of !SIA-2.0, update the RANGE example for the North Pole from from <verbatim>POS=RANGE 0 360.0 89.0 +Inf</verbatim> to <verbatim>POS=RANGE 0 360.0 89.0 90.0</verbatim> and fix the RANGE example for the whole sky from <verbatim>POS=RANGE -Inf +Inf -Inf +Inf</verbatim> to <verbatim>POS=RANGE 0 360 -90 +90</verbatim> ---++ Impact Assessment Fixing the RANGE syntax in an example will make no harm to any service and will avoid application implementers writing code requesting incorrect queries.
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2023-04-05 - JamesDempsey
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