<p style="font-size: 150%; font-weight: bold; border: 3px dotted red;padding:5pt;margin:10pt">Out of date. See [[IvoaResReg]] for current information.</p> ---++ Registry WG Members A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA. <!-- %TABLE{sort="off" tableborder="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="3" valign="top" databg="none" headeralign="left"}% --> | *Name* | *web* | | Gretchen Greene | IVOA.GretchenGreene | | Ray Plante | IVOA.RayPlante | | Bob Hanisch | IVOA.BobHanisch | | Marco Leoni | IVOA.MarcoLeoni | | Pierre LeSidaner | IVOA.PierreLeSidaner | | Theresa Dower | IVOA.TheresaDower | | Markus Demleitner | IVOA.MarkusDemleitner | | André Schaaff | IVOA.AndreSchaaff | | Paul Harrison | IVOA.PaulHarrison | The Registry Work Packages are out of date and need to be revised. The following legacy work packages have been preserved for reference in which the working group has produced the relevant standards documents. <!-- %TABLE{sort="off" tableborder="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="3" valign="top" databg="none" headeralign="left"}% --> | *WP Code* | *WP Name* | *Lead* | *Others Involved* | | *Rwp01* | [[IVOARegWp01][Management, Policy & Documentation standards]] | TonyLinde | BobHanisch, MarcoLeoni | | *Rwp02* | [[IVOARegWp02][Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases]] | MarkAllen | AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, TomMcGlynn, David Schade, ElizabethAuden, KirkBorne | | *Rwp03* | [[IVOARegWp03][Metadata specs]] | RayPlante | SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, ClivePage, ElizabethAuden | | *Rwp04* | [[IVOARegWp04][Registry replication and interfaces]] | KeithNoddle | AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, GretchenGreene, RayPlante, MarcoLeoni | | *Rwp05* | Implementation coordination | _tbd_ | KeithNoddle, RoyWilliams, MarkusDolensky, PierreFernique, AndreSchaaff | -- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r20 - 2014-10-29 - MarkusDemleitner
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