TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaVOEvent (revision 154) (raw view)EditAttach
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 2013-11-14_-_Hotwired_3_Breakout.pdf r1 manage 49.6 K 2013-11-15 - 19:09 JohnSwinbank Summary slides from the TDIG breakout session at Hotwired 3
PowerPointppt ADASS2007_VOEventBoF_Auden.ppt r1 manage 307.5 K 2007-09-25 - 15:30 ElizabethAuden E. Auden's ADASS '07 BoF slides: SEAP, STAP, HPKB
Unknown file formatazw HotwiringtheTransientUniverse.azw r1 manage 3469.4 K 2011-02-17 - 03:24 RobSeaman Kindle of "Hot-wiring the Transient Universe"
PDFpdf P8-3.pdf r1 manage 860.4 K 2019-04-04 - 11:25 AdaNebot  
HTMLhtml PR-VOEvent-2.0-20110601.html r2 r1 manage 113.0 K 2011-05-28 - 23:05 RoyWilliams  
PDFpdf PR-VOEvent-2.0-20110601.pdf r1 manage 1299.6 K 2011-05-28 - 23:06 RoyWilliams  
Microsoft Word filedoc SEAP-v0.1.doc r1 manage 141.0 K 2008-10-23 - 05:54 MatthewGraham First write-up of SEAP
PDFpdf Sky_is_the_limit.pdf r1 manage 1530.9 K 2009-12-11 - 21:23 RobSeaman  
PDFpdf Strasbourg-17-20July2018.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 413.8 K 2018-08-03 - 09:45 AdaNebot  
PDFpdf Strasbourg-TimeSeriesData-Meeting-Agenda.pdf r1 manage 202.9 K 2017-12-19 - 10:52 AdaNebot  
PDFpdf Strasbourg-TimeSeriesData-Meeting-Agenta.pdf r1 manage 202.9 K 2017-12-19 - 10:47 AdaNebot  
PDFpdf Strasbourg-TimeSeriesData-Meeting-MinimalRequirements.pdf r2 r1 manage 95.0 K 2017-12-19 - 13:34 AdaNebot  
PDFpdf Strasbourg-TimeSeriesData-Meeting-Notes.pdf r1 manage 504.1 K 2017-12-19 - 11:04 AdaNebot  
PNGpng TS_overview.png r1 manage 113.8 K 2018-07-26 - 09:07 AdaNebot  
PDFpdf TimeDomainHackAthon.pdf r1 manage 254.5 K 2017-05-17 - 04:51 FrancoisBonnarel Asterics Tech Forum discussion on Time Series
HTMLhtm VOEvent-0.1.htm r1 manage 17.6 K 2004-11-25 - 15:03 RoyWilliams VOEvent-0.1
HTMLhtm VOEvent-0.2.htm r1 manage 22.7 K 2004-11-25 - 15:04 RoyWilliams VOEvent-0.2
HTMLhtm VOEvent-0.3.htm r1 manage 31.5 K 2004-12-27 - 23:05 RoyWilliams Version 0.3
HTMLhtml VOEvent-0.90.html r1 manage 66.8 K 2005-05-13 - 16:47 RoyWilliams VOEvent 0.90
PDFpdf VOEvent-0.90.pdf r1 manage 314.1 K 2005-05-13 - 16:49 RoyWilliams VOEvent 0.90 pdf
HTMLhtml VOEvent-0.94.html r1 manage 68.2 K 2005-06-21 - 17:34 RoyWilliams  
PDFpdf VOEvent-0.94.pdf r1 manage 206.9 K 2005-06-21 - 17:35 RoyWilliams  
Unknown file formatxsd VOEvent-v0.9.xsd r1 manage 8.5 K 2005-07-06 - 18:39 RoyWilliams VOvent schema v0.9
PDFpdf VOEvent-v1.0-schema.pdf r1 manage 97.5 K 2005-07-11 - 07:06 RobSeaman Model diagram of the v1.0 schema
HTMLhtml VOEvent-v1.0.html r1 manage 70.7 K 2005-07-11 - 09:16 RobSeaman VOEvent v1.0 specification
Unknown file formatxsd VOEvent-v1.0.xsd r1 manage 7.6 K 2005-07-11 - 07:04 RobSeaman VOEvent v1.0 schema
Unknown file formatxsd VOEvent-v1.01.xsd r1 manage 7.6 K 2006-03-24 - 02:33 RoyWilliams New start on the schema March 2006
HTMLhtml VOEvent-v1.1-060425.html r1 manage 64.4 K 2006-04-25 - 14:27 RoyWilliams VOEvent 1.1 draft 060425
Unknown file formatxsd VOEvent-v1.1-060425.xsd r1 manage 6.6 K 2006-04-25 - 14:28 RoyWilliams VOEvent 1.1 schema draft 060425
HTMLhtml VOEvent-v1.1-060501.html r1 manage 65.1 K 2006-05-01 - 23:06 RoyWilliams VOEvent 1.1 draft 060501
HTMLhtml VOEvent-v1.1-060508.html r1 manage 70.9 K 2006-05-08 - 00:53 RoyWilliams Elaboration of the STC section
Unknown file formatxsd VOEvent-v1.1-060508.xsd r1 manage 6.7 K 2006-05-09 - 20:24 RoyWilliams Correct links to STC 1.30
HTMLhtml VOEvent-v1.1-060510.html r1 manage 71.7 K 2006-05-10 - 23:24 RoyWilliams corrected the STC section
HTMLhtml VOEvent-v1.1-060511.html r1 manage 73.9 K 2006-05-11 - 20:07 RoyWilliams  
HTMLhtml VOEvent-v1.1-060519.html r1 manage 74.3 K 2006-05-19 - 14:06 RoyWilliams Near final version 1.1 after IVOA
Unknown file formatxsd VOEvent-v1.1-060519.xsd r1 manage 6.1 K 2006-05-19 - 14:05 RoyWilliams Near-final schema. Change is element=unqualified.
Unknown file formatxsd VOEvent-v1.1-060808.xsd r1 manage 6.4 K 2006-08-09 - 17:50 RoyWilliams Adds "format" atrtribute to Description, etc
HTMLhtml VOEventService-0.2.html r2 r1 manage 108.5 K 2008-10-08 - 05:39 MatthewGraham  
HTMLhtml VOEventStream-0.2.html r1 manage 108.4 K 2008-10-17 - 02:37 RoyWilliams  
HTMLhtml VOEvent_transport_060412.html r1 manage 42.5 K 2006-05-11 - 20:30 RobSeaman  
HTMLhtml VOEvent_v1.1.html r3 r2 r1 manage 76.3 K 2006-06-29 - 22:22 RoyWilliams VOEvent v1.1 - IVOA Proposed Recommendation
PDFpdf VOEvent_v1.1.pdf r1 manage 232.0 K 2006-06-22 - 16:05 RobSeaman VOEvent v1.1 - IVOA PR PDF
PDFpdf adassxix_voevent.pdf r1 manage 3398.3 K 2009-10-20 - 17:20 RobSeaman Slides from ADASS XIX on transient response
PDFpdf autoBof.pdf r2 r1 manage 45.2 K 2006-10-07 - 05:15 RobSeaman Revised Agenda for Autonomous BoF
PDFpdf cubeDM.PDF r1 manage 1344.8 K 2017-11-28 - 12:36 AdaNebot  
XMLxml example1-v1.0.xml r1 manage 0.8 K 2005-07-11 - 07:13 RobSeaman Simple VOEvent XML packet
XMLxml example2-v1.0.xml r1 manage 3.2 K 2005-07-11 - 07:14 RobSeaman Typical VOEvent packet
XMLxml example3-v1.0.xml r1 manage 0.2 K 2005-07-11 - 07:17 RobSeaman Indirection packet (w/o schema)
PDFpdf gray-bof-vocabularies.pdf r1 manage 104.2 K 2007-09-25 - 07:40 NormanGray Norman Gray's vocabularies talk, ADASS VOEvent BoF
XMLxml ivo_GCN_swift_20250563a_20060323_073655.xml r1 manage 2.1 K 2006-03-25 - 00:32 RoyWilliams Talons event using 1.01 schema
Compressed Zip archivetar noao_posters.tar r1 manage 4880.0 K 2009-12-03 - 09:18 RobSeaman posters from various meetings (by P. Marenfeld)
PDFpdf obs_agent.pdf r1 manage 14218.2 K 2008-11-10 - 19:00 RobSeaman Slides from ADASS on agents (w/ bonus topic)
XMLxml pointer.xml r2 r1 manage 0.4 K 2005-07-06 - 21:36 RoyWilliams VOEvent example that just points to another
XMLxml simple.xml r3 r2 r1 manage 0.8 K 2005-07-07 - 22:18 RoyWilliams Simple VOEvent example
XMLxml typical.xml r5 r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 3.1 K 2006-03-25 - 00:30 RoyWilliams Packet that uses 1.01 schema
HTMLhtml voevent_v2.html r1 manage 95.9 K 2010-09-30 - 14:58 RobSeaman initial VOEvent v2.0 working draft
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Topic revision: r154 - 2020-05-06 - GiuliaIafrate
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