IVOA Semantics Working Group

The Semantics Working Group ( Charter) superseded the UCD Working Group in 2006 as it was realised semantic resources beyond UCDs were required. To this day, the main focus of the Semantics WG is the maintenance and development of Vocabularies (see also ProgrammingWithVocabularies).

The WG is an open association communicating via our mailing list that you are welcome to subscribe to. We also host roughly bimonthly SemanticsCalls, which are open to all interested parties.

The group is managed by

WG Chair BaptisteCecconi (2023-)
WG Vice-chair SebastienDerriere (2023-)
WG Chair emeritus MireilleLouys (2015-2019)

Current Activities

Spec Sources and their -Next Pages

These links are for developers. Adopters find formatted versions of the specs at http://ivoa.net/documents/

Other documents would have to have their sources unearthed and ported.

Unique identifiers and description for facilities and instruments in astronomy and planetary science

Unified names and identifiers for astronomical Facilities, Telescopes and Instruments: See Unified Facilities Description at UniFacil (on going work).

TelescopeInstruments Nomenclature Meetings:

  • @ the Lisa conference in SXB -2017-June 3-6
  • Meeting in Strasbourg @CDS - 2018-Feb-21-23 SxbNomenTIMeeting20180221 -23
  • Preparation for discussion at AAS meeting January 6-10 2019 - Metadata structure for Telescopes and Instruments description MetaTelInst -

Former work

Items here are occasionally moved to UCDandSemanticsFormerWork.


  • General working-group discussion archive. See the UCD archive for discussion prior to June 20th, 2006.
  • UCD Scientific Board archive
  • UCD Technical Board archive.
Topic attachments
I Attachment HistorySorted descending Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Note-UCDlistMaintenance-2.0-20170602.pdf r1 manage 219.8 K 2017-06-02 - 13:33 FrancoiseGenova UCDlistMaintenance V2.0, Note 2 June 2017
PDFpdf Note-UCDlistMaintenance-2.0-20170602_withchanges.pdf r1 manage 271.3 K 2017-06-02 - 13:34 FrancoiseGenova Note UCDlistMaintenance V2.0, showing changes from V1.20
PDFpdf PR-UCDlistMaintenance-2.0-20171018.pdf r1 manage 362.1 K 2017-10-19 - 21:26 MireilleLouys Maintenance Process for the IVOA UCD list
PDFpdf PR-UCDlistMaintenance-2.0-20180823withchanges.pdf r1 manage 253.0 K 2018-08-23 - 09:48 FrancoiseGenova  
Unknown file formatxsd VOFacility.xsd r1 manage 28.9 K 2015-11-20 - 18:15 MireilleLouys VOresurce extension for the description of VOFacilities: Telescope , space missions , etc. - XML schema
PDFpdf WD-UCDlist-1.3-20150608.pdf r1 manage 748.3 K 2015-06-18 - 13:02 MireilleLouys WD for updated UCDs terms / planetary and solar data
Unknown file formatdocx WD-UCDlist-1.3-20160719.docx r1 manage 85.9 K 2016-10-21 - 06:16 MireilleLouys update on UCD 1.3 WD
PDFpdf WD-UCDlist-1.3-20160719.pdf r1 manage 811.9 K 2016-10-21 - 07:07 MireilleLouys update of UCD vocabulary/ pdf version
PDFpdf WD-UCDlistMaintenance-2.0-20171018-Trackmode.pdf r1 manage 365.8 K 2017-10-20 - 16:10 MireilleLouys maintenance Process for UCD- WD
XSL (XML style sheet)xsl skosToOwl.xsl r1 manage 5.2 K 2010-11-15 - 19:49 BrianThomas SKOS to OWL script. Basic, but functioning.
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Topic revision: r106 - 2024-03-22 - MarkusDemleitner
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