---+ *IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM95)* ---+ when: December 15, 2020 ---+ Time: 2pm (UTC) <br />%TOC% ---++ *Logistic* Topic: Exec TM95<br />Time: Dec 15, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)<br /><br />Join Zoom Meeting<br />https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/83172928599?pwd=QThtYjErdzFxYjdGd3JGajdxWmRBUT09<br /><br />Meeting ID: 831 7292 8599<br />Passcode: 419125 ---++ *Agenda TM95* 1 Roll Call and Agenda 1 Minutes of [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/IvoaRepMin/ivoa-tm94-20201027.pdf][TM94]] 1 Review of Exec [[%ATTACHURL%/ACTIONS_for_TM95.pdf][ACTIONS]] 1 Project Reports [Significant Events Only] 1 Overall CSP report: CSP chair (BM) 1 Overall TCG Status 1 TCG nominations (Theory V Chair/Timing V Chair) 1 Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] 1 Future Interop meetings 1 Accessibility embedded into VO standards 1 The future of SSAP (BB) 1 <p>Tom McGlynn’s retirement (BB)</p> 1 Date of next Exec meeting 1 Review of New Action Items ---++ *Reports from the Projects* ---+++ Argentina-NOVA ---+++ ArVO ---+++ AstroGrid ---+++ Australia-VO (ASVO) ---+++ BRAVO ---+++ China-VO * The China-VO and Astroinformatics 2020 was held in Xiamen at Nov. 27-28, a south-east city in China. More than 200 representatives from astronomical observatories, universities, amateurs, and companies, attended the event. 54 talks were collected during the two-day meeting. * The third version of Astronomy Encyclopedia in Chinese will be published in 2021. For the first time, Astroinformatics was taken as a sub-discipline of Astronomy in the volume. About 60 items including VO, IVOA, VOTable, CDS, MAST, NADC, Aladin, TOPCAT, Astropy, et al. were included. ---+++ ChiVO ---+++ CVO * Worked with Mark Taylor to fix issues in CVO TAP services and make them more compliant. Since we helped write the standard, that's only reasonable. * The Canadian 'Portage' Data Repositories Experts Groups (DREGs) have received a grant to fund Canadian Repositories in getting their Core Trust Seal. Expect to start accepting application from repositories starting in spring 2021. * WDS is conducting a survey relevant to the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. I will complete the Survey today for IVOA. ---+++ Euro_VO ---+++ ESA ---+++ France VO * An IHDEA (International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance) meeting was organized end of October by Paris Observatory. A special meeting suported by France VO about the integration of Heliophysics data in the Virtual Observatory was organized on the sidelines between interested people of IHDEA, some participants of the ESCAPE project and researchers in heliophysics. ---+++ *GAVO* ---+++ HVO ---+++ JVO ---+++ RVO ---+++ SA^3 ---+++ SVO ---+++ Vo-India ---+++ VObs.it * VObs.it supported technically the 3 day Interop in November. * Work proceeding with the streamlining of the IVOA documentation Web site. ---+++ Ukraine_VO ---+++ USVOA ---+++ *Report from the TCG* * TCG supported a successful 3 day Interop in Nov with 207 attendees * WG/IGs working on 2020B Roadmaps - https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/2020BRoadmap * DM group planning Workshop of Datamodels ---+++ Report from the Working Groups
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2020-12-09 - 15:22
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r12 - 2020-12-15 - JjKavelaars
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