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<br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup --> ---+ IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM57) *TM57 - 03 Mar 2015 (Telecon)* *WebEx Info:* | <a target="_blank" href=""> *Join_WebEx meeting* </a> || | Meeting number: | 731 097 630 | | Meeting password: | ivoa2015 | | || | *Join by phone* || | *<a target="_blank" href="tel:1-877-668-4493">1-877-668-4493</a>* Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada) || | *<a target="_blank" href="tel:1-650-479-3208">1-650-479-3208</a>* Call-in toll number (US/Canada) || | Access code: 731 097 630 || *Contents* * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#IVOA_Executive_Committee_Meeting][IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM57)]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#Logistics][Logistics]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#Agenda][Agenda]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#Reports_from_the_Projects][Reports from the Projects]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#Argentina_NOVA][Argentina - NOVA]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#ArVO][ArVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#AstroGrid][AstroGrid]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#Australia_VO][Australia-VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#BRAVO][BRAVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#China_VO][China-VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#ChiVO][ChiVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#CVO][CVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#Euro_VO][Euro-VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#ESAVO][ESAVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#France_VO][France VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#GAVO][GAVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#HVO][HVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#VObs_it][]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#Japan_VO][Japan-VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#Ukraine_VO][Ukraine VO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#VAO][VAO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#RVO][RVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#SA3][SA^3]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#SVO][SVO]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#VO_India][VO-India]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#Report_from_the_TCG][Report from the TCG]] * [[IvoaExecMeetingTM57#Reports_from_the_WGs][Reports from the WGs]] ---++ <a name="Logistics"></a>Logistics <span style="color: #000000; font-size: small;">Tuesday, Mar 03, 2015 (16:00 UTC) </span> ---++ <span style="line-height: 19px;">Agenda TM57</span> 1 Roll Call and Agenda (JE) 1 Minutes of <a target="_top" href=""><span style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000;"><span style="white-space: normal;">TM56</span></span></a> 1 Review of <a target="_top" href=""><span style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000;">Actions</span></a> 1 Project Reports [Significant Events Only] 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">TCG status</span> 1 Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] 1 Progress on agreement of IVOA documents in the ADS 1 Progress toward an IVOA Operations Interest Group 1 Review terms up for Expiration * <span style="font-family: Arial; background-color: transparent;">TCG Chair / Vice Chair (Extendable)</span> * <span style="font-family: Arial; background-color: transparent;">DM Chair / Vice Chair (no extension)</span> * <span style="font-family: Arial; background-color: transparent;">Grid and Web Services Chair (no extension)</span> * <span style="font-family: Arial; background-color: transparent;">Registry Vice Chair (no extension)</span> * <span style="font-family: Arial; background-color: transparent;">Semantics Chair / Vice Chair (Extendable)</span> * <span style="font-family: Arial; background-color: transparent;">Theory Chair / Vice Chair (Extendable) </span> 1 <span style="background-color: transparent;">Future Interops</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Northern Spring 2015 - Sesto, Italy / Jun 15-19</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Northern Fall 2015 - Sydney, Austalia (Oct 30-Nov01; after ADASS)</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Northern Spring 2016 - S Africa (May)</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Northern Fall 2016 - Trieste, Italy (Oct 21-23; after ADASS)</span> ---++ <a name="Argentina_NOVA"></a> Argentina - NOVA --- ---+++ <a name="ArVO"></a>ArVO --- ---+++ <a name="AstroGrid"></a>AstroGrid --- ---+++ <a name="Australia_VO"></a>Australia-VO * The All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO) project has released new modules with its <a href="">TAO node</a>. * ASVO has released a demo version for the SkyMapper node using <a href="">WiggleZ data</a> * Data from the Arecibo Ultra Deep Survey (AUDS) and the GaLactic and Extragalactic MWA survey (GLEAM) have been ingested in the GAVO based ICRAR VO server. * The Australian SKA Pathfinder Archive project (CASDA) is taking shape and implementing a whole suite of VO services. In addition they have identified a number of shortcomings in the VO standards with respect to Radio astronomical data. This will be reported on during the next IVOA interop. * The next IVOA interop will take place between 30-Oct and 1-Nov in Sydney. --- ---+++ <a name="BRAVO"></a>BRAVO --- ---+++ <a name="China_VO"></a>China-VO At the beginning of 2015, AstroCloud, the China-VO service portal was selected as one of "Top 10 e-Science applications" by Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since its release on May 15, 2015, AstroCloud has served 2 telescopes for proposal submission, 10 projects for data archiving and management. 300 users have been registered, and more than 100 virtual machine instances have been created. As the latest use case of "scientific data based astronomical education and public outreach" from China-VO, Chinese ancient constellation catalogue and figures are integrated into Worldwide Telescope (WWT), and released freely to the public. Related work was shown at the 225th AAS in Seattle in January 2015. --- ---+++ <a name="ChiVO"></a>ChiVO --- ---+++ <a name="CVO"></a>CVO --- ---+++ <a name="Euro_VO"></a>Euro_VO The next <nop>Euro-VO project will be a Work Package of the ASTERICS project, currently in negociation with the European Commission for a start on May 1st and a four-year duration. ASTERICS (Astronomy ESFRI \& Research Infrastructure Cluster) ``aims to address the cross-cutting synergies and common challenges shared by the Astronomy and Astroparticle ESFRI facilities''. (ESFRI is the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures, which develops a research infrastructure roadmap which includes all scientific fields. The 2010 Roadmap for astronomy includes E-ELT, CTA, SKA and <nop>KM3Net.) ASTERICS WP4, _Data Access, Discovery and Interoperability, will establish a close collaboration between the Euro-VO and infrastructure teams. It will develop seamless access to the data products of the ESFRI projects and pathfinders (which include VLT, HESS, MAGIC, LOFAR), and other large infrastructures such as the European Gravitational Observatory EGO, in the VO framework. The tasks cover support to data providers, support to scientific usage, and technological development. The budget foreseen for the WP is 4.5 Meuros on 4 years. The project partners on the VO side are CNRS/CDS, INAF, INTA and the Universities of Edinburgh and Heidelberg. The work will be done in collaboration with ESA. --- ---+++ <a name="ESAVO"></a>ESAVO --- ---+++ <a name="France_VO"></a>France VO --- ---+++ <a name="GAVO"></a>GAVO --- ---+++ <a name="HVO"></a>HVO --- ---+++ <a name="VObs_it"></a> INAF has funded for fiscal year 2015 with an amount of funding in line with the previous years. This will allow to maintain the current level of staffing, and to cover the expenses of the Northern Spring Interop 2015 in Sesto/Sexten. The European Horizon 2020 programme has funded ASTERICS, a 4-years 15 MEuro project to foster a common approach to the main infrastructure programs endorsed by the EU ESFRI initiative (i.e. SKA, CTA, KM3Net and E-ELT) plus other world-class infrastructures (e.g. Euclid). INAF will receive about 1.5 MEuro and is involved in the following work-packages: WP3 - OBELICS (OBservatory E-environments LInked by Common challengeS), in WP4 - DADI (Data Access, Discovery & Interoperability) and in WP2 - DECS (Dissemination, Engagement and Citizen Science). VO-relevant activity includes authorisation and authentication, workflows, data access standards, and education and citizen science. Within EGI-Engage, another project funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme, INAF/ will be in charge of building a gateway between EGI and the Canadian CANFAR, so as to federate the two clouds. This activity will be performed in close collaboration with CADC. is organizing the Northern Spring 2015 Interoperability Meeting, which will be held on 15-19 June in Sesto/Sexten (in the Dolomites), at the Haus Sexten Congress Hall hosted by the Sexten Center for Astrophysics ( ). Organisation is progressing smoothly. The general info page is INAF and have started the organisation in Trieste of ADASS 2016 and of the Northern Fall 2016 Interoperability Meeting in mid-October 2016. --- ---+++ <a name="Japan_VO"></a>Japan-VO Japan-VO team has been working in updateing its portal design to be more user-friendly. The prototype has been internally released, which is being reviewed by the team members. We expect its public release in the middle of April, 2015. A good news is that our research associate, Dr. Kawaguchi, has succeeded to get a pernament faculty position in a university in Sapporo. This is a great success since, these days, it is quite difficult to get a permanent acedemic position in Japan. There was a bad news. Our observatory, NAOJ, has been informed by the Japanese government a big budget cut. This budget cut affects the activity of the Japan-VO team. We have to review which activity should be retained very soon. There was an international external review on all activities of NAOJ between 24 and 26, February. The Japan-VO activity was reported, as a part of Astronomy Data Centrer. The reviewer was Tony Tyson who applaused the construction of virtual observatory infrastructure in Japan as well as public databases of Subaru, ALMA and other observational facilities within NAOJ. The final review report is to be submitted soon by the review committee. --- ---+++ <a name="RVO"></a>RVO --- ---+++ <a name="SA3"></a>SA^3 --- ---+++ <a name="SVO"></a>SVO (Since October 2014)<br /><br />Manpower: 8 FTEs. <br />Meetings: * [[][The Milky Way unravelled by Gaia]]. Barcelona 2014 December 1-5 * [[][VIII SVO School]]. Madrid 2014, November 25-26. Outreach: * [[][Diez años de Observatorio Virtual en España]] * [[][Astroestadística. El "big data" del espacio]] * [[][A treasure trove of modern astronomy]] * [[][IAU Outreach Newsletter. Citizen science project: Near-Earth asteroids precovery]] * [[][Cometas y asteroides. ¿Peligro para la Tierra?]] --- ---+++ <a name="Ukraine_VO"></a>Ukraine_VO --- ---+++ <a name="USVOA"></a>USVOA The USVOA kick-off meeting took place at the Seattle AAS in January, and it was well-attended by representatives of the US data community. The presidents of AURA and AUI were also at the meeting. As mentioned earlier, the USVOA has been endorsed by the AAS exec and will operate under the WGAS umbrella. We're working to further organize this new group with a web page and other online presence. A USVOA telecon is planned prior to Sesto where we'll work out further details. The NASA Astronomy Archive Virtual Observatory (NAVO) members have been preparing their renewal proposals, due in late March. Part of this work includes preparing a progress report on VO efforts that began in October 2015, which will be reviewed along with the programmatic proposals. The NASA-funded Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) has been developing VO interfaces to its image data sets. These services are in the archive test bed, and KOA plans to release them by April 30. KOA wishes to give a presentation on this work as a case study in delivering VO-services at the June interop. --- ---+++ <a name="VO_India"></a>VO-India <div title="Page 1"> <span style="background-color: transparent;">Funding for the VOI project from sources outside IUCAA has stopped for the present, but the project is fully supported by IUCAA. Two of the developers working on the project at IUCAA have now permanent positions at IUCAA (Santosh Jagade, Ajay Vibhute) and they will support VOI operations, in addition to other responsibilities they have at IUCAA. There are other developers working for VOI in the project mode. There will be significant data related activity beginning at IUCAA over the next few months (ASTROSAT, LIGO,...) and VOI will be a part of this activity. We also expect to be revive external funding soon. We are continuing our development of various tools, particularly AstroStat, and continue to support VOI applications and tools.</span> IUCAA has allocated a dedicated web server for hosting ivoa web pages, document repository and newsletter repository. These are updated whenever new content is made available by Giulia Iafrate, who is the IVOA Document coordinator, and other member of the IVOA document coordination team. IUCAA is hosting two services for the CRTS (Catalina Realtime Transient Survey): 1 <p>Image Catalog: We are serve ~15TB data on RA/DEC search criteria through web portal []. This service has been made available to the public and is being used well.</p> 1 <p>Data Catalog: Currently we are serve ~8TB of MySQL data through web portal []. This data is at the prsent time served only to the CRTS group and opened to the public over a few months.</p> </div> --- ---++ <a name="Report_from_the_TCG"></a>Report from the TCG --- ---++ <a name="Reports_from_the_WGs"></a>Reports from the WGs ---
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