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---+ IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM24) *Telecon: 12 July 2007 @ 15.00 GMT* --- <div style="position: relative; float:right; margin:0 1em 1em 0; padding:0; border:0;"> <div style="position: relative; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 100%; width:30em; border:2px solid %WEBBGCOLOR%; padding:5px;"> *Contents* %TOC% </div> </div> ---++ Logistics Telecon: ---++ Agenda (DRAFT) 1 Roll Call and Agenda 2 Review of Minutes: [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-fm23-20070513.pdf][Minutes of FM23]] & [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa-fm23-supp-20070517.pdf][Minutes of FM23Supp]] 3 [[%ATTACHURL%/actions-for-tm24-20070712.pdf][Review of Actions]] 4 Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] * [[IVOA.STCMetadataRFC][STC RFC page]] * [[IVOA.SpectrumDataModelRFC][Spectrum Data Model RFC Page]] * [[IVOA.ConeSearchV10RFC][Cone Search V1.0 RFC page]] 5 Status of the IVOA assessment (FG/DDY) 6 WG/IG * Charter of the Data Curation and Preservation IG (BH) - [[IvoaDCP#ProposedCharter2007][Proposed charter]] - [[IvoaDCP#PreviousCharter][Previous charter]] * Nomination for Astro-RG IG chair * Discussion about vice-chairs 7 Standardisation process: RW to report on * Recommendation process * Status report on the [[%PUBURL%/%WEB%/TechnicalMilestones/IVOARoadMap-2007-final.pdf][standards roadmap]] 8 Status of the Assessment of Implementation of IVOA standards in Data Centres (DS/CA) 9 Status of the preparation of the Cambridge Autumn 2007 Interop meeting (NW) 10 Future Interop meetings 12 IVOA presence at the next IAU General Assembly 11 Schedule of other IVOA-related events (all) 12 New Deputy Chair 13 Date and Venue of the next Exec meeting 14 AOB 15 Summary of Actions ---++ Reports from the Projects ---+++ <nop>ArVO --- ---+++ AstroGrid --- ---+++ Australia-VO --- ---+++ China-VO After the Beijing Interoperability meeting, our team stepped into an adjusting period. 4 master graduated students and one Ph.D. student, 5 totally, graduated in June. Only one of them will continue his study and work on VO as a first year Ph.D. student. A piece of exciting news for the China-VO is that LAMOST got its first set of spectra in late May and early June. Although these data are mainly for technical test, they provide precious sample for the design and development of LAMOST data management system. Another message is a 2.4 meter telescope at Yunnan Observatory got its first-light in May. The support team of the telescope has contacted with us. They hope China-VO provides technical support on archive management and data release for the telescope. LAMOST and 2.4 meter telescope will become the first two client projects of the VO in China. --- ---+++ CVO The main VO-related development projects at CADC continue to be the development of our multi-wavelength search engine, refactoring existing VO software to improve quality and robustness, and re-tooling basic archive infrastructure to support current and future VO requirements. We have released QuickSearch, a very simple web application, to provide quick access to high quality CADC data products. This tool accesses the same content as our SIA services and supports positional search (coordinates or with name resolution) only. Users may download multiple data files in parallel using our Java-based DownloadManager applet. In addition, P. Dowler is participating in the monthly VOQL-TEG discussions. We have begun the design of a source catalog system which will be the basis of our initial Table Access Protocol (TAP) services. We intend to develop as the specifications solidify within the VOQL-TEG; this will provide immediate input into the development of the specifications and provide a robust TAP implementation with freely available source code. CADC continues to work on improving our internal infrastructure through the implementation of our Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM), especially within the next generation James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Archive. --- ---+++ (aka DRACO) Italy --- ---+++ Euro-VO The "EURO-VO workshop on How to publish data in the VO" took place on 25-29 June 2007 at ESAC. Around 70 people participated with participants from various data centres accross Europe. Specific hands-on session were given for the attendees to gain knowledge and experience necessary to allow them to become "publishers" in the VO. Themes presented during the workshop have been : catalogues, images, spectra and transient with the presentation of various tools to publish these data into the VO. Full details can be found at : Work in on-going to set-up a EURO-VO presence at the next Joint European National Astronomy Meeting (JENAM 2007), to be held in Yerevan, Armenia. Various talks will be given at the "Science with Virtual Observatories" Symposium and a booth will be manned with on-line demonstrations. --- #FranceVO ---+++ France VO No report was posted on the FM23 web page. This report summarizes France-VO activities since TM22 (8 March 2007). (1) France-VO supported French participants to the several international meetings, from its own funds, in complement to funding by the laboratories, or by evaluating funding requests made in the frame of the French participation to the Euro-VO Data Centre Alliance project. French teams very actively participated in the Beijing Interoperability meeting (18 French participants), with talks presented in particular in the Applications, Data Access Layer, Data Modeling, Semantics and VO Query Language WG sessions, and at the Theory IG meeting. There was also an active French participation to the two Workshops organised by the Euro-VO Data Centre Alliance and Facility Centre. The 'Astronomical spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory' Workshop (ESAC, 21-23 March 2007) was well attended by scientists interested in spectroscopy and French VO teams (22 participants from French laboratories), thanks in particular to the triggering activity of the France-VO Spectroscopy Working Group at the national level. In addition, several laboratories developing or willing to develop VO services were represented at the 'Euro-VO Workshop on how to publish data in the VO', and three sessions were organised by CDS staff. (2) Meetings organised by the France-VO (AS OV) Working Groups since February 2007: * Geodetics and Fundamental Astronomy Working Group: meeting on UCDs and STC, Paris Observatory, 19 February 2006 ([[][meeting minutes, in French]]). Also note the poster presented at the IUGG 2007 conference in Perugia: [[]['GGOS and Virtual Observatory']] (Berio, Coulot, Deleflie & Exertier). * The Workflow Working Group held its 4th meeting on 26 April 2007 at the IAP in Paris ([[][meeting Web page]] and [[][meeting summary]] , in English). * Theory Working Group: a Workshop was organised in Lyon on June 18-19, with participation from several teams preparing theory services to be published in the VO, and from Gerard Lemson, Chair of the IVOA Theory Working Group and of the Theory Expert Group of the <nop>EuroVO-DCA project. The meeting Web page (in English) can be found at [[]]. (3) Presentation to the general astronomy community * [[][Presentation]] of the VO project status and of services made available by the French VO teams at the [[][annual meeting]] of the French astronomical society (pdf version, mostly in French). * Staff from France-VO plan to participate in the JENAM 2007 meeting (Yerevan, August 2007) and in a Workshop organized by the Indian VO in October 2007. --- ---+++ GAVO --- ---+++ HVO --- ---+++ Japan-VO Please see our previous report at IVOA.IvoaExecMeetingFM23#Japan-VO. After the May exec meeting, JVO members attended the VO during the UN/ESA/NASA Workshop on Basic Space-Sciences (see, and presented two papers on the Virtual Observatories. Because many participants were from developing countries, this workshop was a good occasion to advertise the VO activities. --- ---+++ Korean VO --- ---+++ NVO Please see our previous report at IVOA.IvoaExecMeetingFM23#NVO. The only addition at this point is that we are working with NSF and NASA to secure funding for FY08, and things look promising at the moment. --- ---+++ RVO --- ---+++ SVO (activities since February 2007. More info in * VO-theory - Ingestion of new theoretical datasets (isochrones and evolutionary tracks) in the SVO Theoretical Data Server. See for more information. * Access protocols: - Participation in the development of a use case to handle theoretical spectra using SSAP. The use case has been included as an Appendix in the document "Simple Spectral Access Protocol. Version 1.01. IVOA Proposed Recommendation". * Data Models - IVOA Note. Radio Astronomy Data Model for Single-Dish Multiple-Feed Instruments, and Robledo Archive Architecture ( * Publications: VO-Science - Caballero J.A. & Solano E., "Albus1: A very bright white dwarf candidate". Apj Letters, in press * Meeting: Workshop on Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory. ESAC, Madrid, March 2007 - Bayo A., Barrado y Navascués D., Morales-Calderón M., Solano E., Rodrigo C., Gutiérrez R., Allard F. "Cool Objects: From SED fitting to age estimation" - Cerviño M., Luridiana V "How to use the SEDS produced by synthesis models (inside and outside the VO)?" - Cerviño M., Terlevich E., Terlevich R., Rodrigo C., Morisset C., Luridiana V., López A., Solano E. "PGOS3: A database of synthesis models in the VO" - García-Vargas M. L., Mollá M. " A new grid of evolutionary synthesis models in the Virtual Observatory" - Gutiérrez R., Solano E., Delgado A., Sarro L.M., Merín B."VOSED: A tool for the characterization of protoplanetary disks". - Martín E. "The IAC ultra-cool dwarf catalogue" - Montes D. et al. "VO-compliant libraries of high resolution spectra of cool stars" - Rodrigo C., Solano E., Gutiérrez R., and Cerviño M. "Theoretical models in the Virtual Observatory" - Schoenell W. et al. "Results of an analysis of SDSS galaxies in the VO" - Solano E., Allende Prieto C. "Automated analysis of stellar spectra. Application to the GAUDI archive" * Meeting: Euro-VO Workshop on how to publish data in the VO: 13 participants representing six laboratories/institutes * Meeting: e-Science in Andalucia - Leon et al. "IRAM-30m and the Virtual Observatory" * Second SVO school. Madrid, February (12-13) 2007. ( - Topics: The Virtual Observatory and the Artificial Intelligence: Data Mining, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery. --- ---+++ VO-India --- --- ---++ Reports from WGs & IGs (follows order as at --- --- ---+++ Applications IG Progress towards SAMP is going well. --- ---+++ Data Access Layer WG SSA was updated following the discussions in Beijing, and went to PR on June 4. The RFC period is concluding now. The Simple Cone Search RFC has concluded, and the document has been forwarded to the TCG for comment. Work is going forward in parallel on SSA V1.1, which will add the getCapabilities and getAvailability operations. Specification of the capability metadata and accompanying XML schema is underway. Work on the next phase of SIA V2 will focus on the basic form of the interface, and prototyping (with GWS) the stageData/UWS operation for asynchronous data staging and delivery. The goal is to have this working in time to discuss in Cambridge this fall (the full SIA V2 interface is not expected to be completed yet at that point however). TAP is on hold at the moment, pending generation of a revised plan forward in collaboration with the VOQL WG (see below). Discussions have begun on how to handle time series data. This is being driven currently by a VOEvent use-case, but a general time series data access interface is required as well. The current plan (as has long been the case) is to use the SSA interface and data model for time series data, with minor modifications to improve the support for time series, e.g., provision for multiple flux measurements per time point. --- ---+++ Data Models WG *STC*: The document is in the last REC phase and has been commented and updated in the last past weeks. I think that last comments by TCG members need to be answered before approval. This work encompasses many use-cases in the metadata representations and therefore stir up many comments. *Spectrum Data Model*: The document has been reviewed by the community. Minor editing changes will be made to the document. They should not postpone the Exec validation. *Characterisation Data Model* : RFC period ended. Last comments by Pedro Osuna will be discussed and editing changes made to the document by end of August. Some of the WG leaders are ready to issue validation comments for TCG review. We would appreciate that the Exec validation of this document will not be delayed after beginning of September. Working group roadmap under construction. We plan to poll the community for the development of a *Provenance* DM. Current discussions are taking place with the Theory group for possible interactions. An action on *Utypes* is led by Jonathan <nop>McDowell with close connections with the VOQL group. Open discussions on this topic are important and should be planned in common sessions at the next Interop Meeting. --- ---+++ Grid and Web Services Working Group --- ---+++ Registry WG --- ---+++ Semantics/UCD WG *UCDs:* collection of (minor) changes/improvements to the present std list v1.23 is going on. A WD v1.24 will be probably issued within the end of 2007.<BR> *Ontology:* work in progress, on the ontology and on use cases.<BR> *Standard Vocabulary:* work in progress, a WD v1.0 will be issued before the September 2007 meeting. --- ---+++ VOEvent --- ---+++ VOQL WG ADQL work --------- Advance has been done in the ADQL document following some useful comments from Jeff Lusted from AstroGrid. Region constructions discussions will be held at the next VOQL-TEG meeting. Due to strong work constraints, the VOQL-TEG has not met since the last IVOA interoperability meeting. It will probably meet the first week of September. TAP work -------- As stated before, there has not been VOQL-TEG meeting thus far, and therefore the TAP has not been discussed within the group. The VOQL chair has had conversations with the DAL chair in order to define the best way forward for the TAP. The outcomes will be announced shortly after consultation with the whole VOQL-TEG and with Doug Tody. The prospect is that the first TAP draft will be available for presentation at the September meeting as per announced Roadmap in Beijing, shoul all eventual TAP-involved parties agree. --- ---+++ VOTable WG --- ---+++ Astro-RG IG --- ----+++ Data Curation and Preservation IG DCP IG Chair Hanisch polled the interop e-mail list on 27 June to see how many people were interested in this IG. 18 responses were received, which is a sufficiently high level to warrant planning for an IG session at the September Interop meeting in Cambridge. Data preservation is also a key topic for the ADASS conference that immediately precedes the Interop. --- ---+++ Theory IG --- -- IVOA.NicholasWalton - 29 Jun 2007 <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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