IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM108)

Tuesday, 11 October 2022 @ 1900 UT



Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83438316316

Meeting ID: 834 3831 6316

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Meeting ID: 834 3831 6316

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  1. Roll call and agenda
    1. Regrets: Ada Nebot, Ajit Kembhavi, Antonio Chrysostomou, Chenzhou Cui, Enrique Solano, Franck Le Petit, Giuseppina Fabbiano, Oleg Malkov, Sebastian Gurovich
  2. Presentation by Kazakstan VO
  3. Minutes of TM107 (PDF)
  4. Review of Exec actions ACTIONS_for_TM108.pdf
  5. Project reports [Significant Events Only]
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings:
    • Northern spring 2023: Italy
    • Northern fall 2023: Tucson
  8. Overall TCG status
  9. CSP status
  10. New Exec Chair/Vice-chair
  11. IVOA website
  12. Latest news on the IVOA-IAU
    • Designating a point of contact for the IAU
    • Focus session proposal
  13. Data of the next Exec meeting
  14. AOB
  15. Summary of new actions

Reports from the Projects






Key technologies research of massive multi-waveband astronomical data fusion and its scientific applications, a National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFF0711500) was just approved. Funding is secured for the next 3 years.




France VO










Report from the TCG

  • Photometry DM 1.1 ready for Exec review; will send Exec request after this meeting
  • Coordinating IVOA Interop
    • Oct 18-20 with Newcomers session Oct 17
    • Program: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpOct2022
    • Newcomers session: talks by Bruce, Ada, training by Henrik/Dave
    • Special topic session: VO in the Cloud - coordinated by GWS/KDD/Ops
    • Other session led by WG/IG leads
    • Folks are planning Gathertown Splinter meetings
    • Everyone is looking forward to meeting F2F in Spring!!
    • Attendees: 105 as of this meeting

Report from the CSP

-- -- MarcyHarbut - 2022-10-04

  1. Overall TCG status

Topic attachments
ISorted ascending Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 2022-10-11_IVOA_Exec_Meeting_-_Towards_Kazakhstani_VO.pdf r1 manage 9555.7 K 2022-10-18 - 22:07 MarcyHarbut Toward a Kazakhstani VO: slides from presentation at 11Oct2022 Exec meeting
PDFpdf ACTIONS_for_TM108.pdf r1 manage 9.1 K 2022-10-04 - 21:35 MarcyHarbut Review of Exec action from TM107
PDFpdf ivoa-tm107-20220830.pdf r2 r1 manage 82.3 K 2022-10-11 - 17:12 MarcyHarbut TM107 meeting minutes (PDF)
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Topic revision: r8 - 2022-10-18 - MarcyHarbut
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