---+ <strong>IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (</strong>TM105<strong>)</strong> <strong>When: </strong>April 19, 2022<strong><br />Time: 8pm </strong>UTC <br />%TOC% ---++ *Logistic* Topic: IVOA Exec TM105 <div id="_mcePaste">Time: Apr 19, 2022 08:00 PM Universal Time UTC</div> <div id="_mcePaste">Join Zoom Meeting</div> <div id="_mcePaste">https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/85648121793?pwd=YmpHdkVwYjlnQ3dENXNpb1c3dlkvUT09</div> <div id="_mcePaste">Meeting ID: 856 4812 1793</div> <div id="_mcePaste">Passcode: 776659</div> ---++ *Agenda* *TM105* 1 Roll Call and Agenda * Regrets: C. Cui 1 Minutes of <a target="_blank" href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaRepMin/ivoa-tm104-20220302.pdf" title="TM104 minutes">TM104</a> 1 Review of Exec <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> [[%ATTACHURL%/ACTIONS_for_TM105.pdf][ACTIONS_for_TM105.pdf]]</span> 1 Project Reports [Significant Events Only] 1 Overall TCG Status 1 Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] 1 Future Interop meetings 1 CSP Status 1 SKAO as an IVOA member 1 Chair and Vice Chair open positions 1 IVOA landing page 1 AOB 1 Date of next Exec meeting 1 Review of New Action Items ---++ *Reports from the Projects:* ---+++ *Argentina-NOVA* ---+++ ArVO ---+++ AstroGrid ---+++ Australia-VO (ASVO) ---+++ BRAVO ---+++ China-VO ---+++ ChiVO ---+++ CVO ---+++ Euro_VO ---+++ ESA ---+++ France VO France VO annual meeting took place last week from Monday to Wednesday. ---+++ *GAVO* ---+++ HVO ---+++ NLVO ---+++ JVO ---+++ RVO ---+++ SA^3 ---+++ SVO ---+++ Vo-India ---+++ VObs.it ---+++ Ukraine_VO ---+++ USVOA ---++ *Report from the TCG* Interop planning front and center - ~130 signed up so far * Program published, sessions set up with WGs/IGs * Sent out reminder to Interop list on April 12, last reminder planned later this week * WG/IG setting up sessoin pages that link off of the program; ~ 1/2 done Advertised highlights on Poster in last mailing: * Newcomers sesstion - Mon * IVOA Engagement with the IAU - Tue * Publishing Data In the VO/Results of recent IVOA usage survey - Tue * Hack-a-thon - Thu Few side meetings planned in Gathertown - Plan to use CDS paid version of Gathertown (in coordination with M Allen) * Hack-a-thon gathering place between 2 sessions scheduled in program * MCD planning<span style='caret-color: #172b4d; color: #172b4d; font-family: -apple-system, <span class="WYSIWYG_LINK">BlinkMacSystemFont</span>, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; font-size: 14.000000953674316px;'> </span> We're missing not being at the Interop in person - this will be our 5th virtual interop * Not seeing a lot of Positive energy in group, though folks are trying * difficult missing the face to face collaboration and idea exchanges * also seems like folks are working against very challenging schedules/deadlines for their own work projects * New Ch/V Ch that haven't been part of face to face IVOA & are not catching on so well * I think we see this in the Apps V Chair feeling he's not ready for the Chair position * See it in other positions not up for renewal this time too * Wonder if we should come up with another possible Host for the Fall Interop ??? ---++ *Report from the CSP* * Newcomers session : History of the IVOA (Bruce Berriman) + Intro to the IVOA (Ada Nebot) + tutorial (Hendrik Heinl + Dave Morris) * CSP panel session : summary on the Project Survey + 4 panelists confirmed and the program is up * CSP status : * gathering high energy astronomy community (aiming northern fall interop for a session on the topic) * Spectral Lines: LineTAP & SLAPV2 : authors of documents will meet and talk about the next steps
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2022-04-18 - 00:49
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r7 - 2022-06-08 - FrancescaCivano
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